
Piotr's Image & Video Toolbox in Octave

Primary LanguageMATLAB

Documentation: https://pdollar.github.io/toolbox/

Modified toolbox to run under Octave

This modification is tested under debian just to run pdollar_edges_octave's edgesEvalDir! I haven't create all mex for Octave, but it should be easy to compile other mex files with instruction below


  • Added parcellfun option in fEvalDir as Octave's alternative to Matlab's parfor

Installing Octave 4.4.1

I'ts the latest Octave4. Octave 4.0.0 from debian is causing segfault!! Octave 5.1.0's parallel package doesn't compile Download from https://ftpmirror.gnu.org/octave

sudo apt purge octave # Remove existing Octave from apt
sudo apt build-dep octave # Install octave prerequisites
make -j8
sudo make install
octave --eval "pkg install -forge image parallel struct"

Compile cpp to mex

These are examples of files in channels/private folder, I believe you would be able to easily add other folders.

cd channels/private
for item in convConst.cpp gradientMex.cpp imPadMex.cpp imResampleMex.cpp rgbConvertMex.cpp;
    do mkoctfile --mex -DMATLAB_MEX_FILE $item;
cd ../..

Install (Add path to octave)

Run following commands in octave
