A configuration interface for the summerbot
- AYR command asked to the device to wait for the end of it's boot
- WHOIS command asked to know the device name
- +POS command asking for a continuous stream of POS commands
- -POS
- SPOS X Y A command setting the position of the bot
- GOTO X Y A command moving the robot to specific location
- GSIDE command asking for robot side
- SSIDE S command setting robot side
- GSTRAT command asking for the strat ID
- CSTRAT command asking to switch to another strat
- CHECK PART command asking to run a self test
- TRANS D command translating the robot
- ROT A command rotating the robot
- POS X Y Z current pos of the robot
- READY response to AYR
- IAM NAME response to WHOIS
- SIDE S side of the robot can be sent unprompted or in response to GSIDE
- STRAT S strat of the robot can be sent unprompted or in response to GSTRAT and CSTRAT
- CHECK DATA DATA DATA ... results of the selftest routine