This directory contains PDDL files for an extension to the classic
blocks world domain in which objects can have a color and there are
new action for painting objects using using paint sprayers, paint
brushes and cans of paint.

The file domain.pddl is a stub for the domain file and the p?.pddl
files are stubs for problems.

Here's a description of the domain and constraints.

You should include a standard, simple representation for the blocks
world (on, ontable, clear, etc) and its actions (pickup, putdown,
stack and unstack).

Additional types of objects include the following:

 - Paint sprayers.  Each sprayer can only paint in one color (e.g.,
   red, green, blue).

 - Paint cans.  A paint can holds only only color of paint.

 - Brushes.  A brush can either be clean or loaded with paint of a
   particular color.

 - Water bucket.  A water bucket is used to wash brushes.

These three objects are like blocks in that they can be picked up, put
down, stacked and unstacked.  They can also be painted, although
painting them only alters their surface (e.g., a red sprayer will
continue to spray red paint even after the sprayer is painted blue).

Additional actions include:

 - painting an object with a sprayer

 - painting an object with a brush and can

 - loading a paint with paint of a given color

 - washing a brush, making it clean

Here are some constants that your actions should enforce.

 - all of the usual constraints of the blocks world

 - there is a fixed set of colors: red, green, blue, yellow

 - in order to paint an object, that object must be on the table and

 - Painting with a sprayer is easy -- just pick it up and spray.

 - To paint something a color with a brush, it has to be loaded with
   paint of that color.

 - To load a paint bush with a particular color, you have to be
   holding the brush, the brush must be initially clean and there has
   to be a paint can holding that color of paint which is clear.  When
   a brush is loaded with a color it is not clean.

 - To wash a brush, making it clean, you have to have a water bucket
   that has nothing on it (i.e., is clear) and you have to be holding
   the brush.