
From https://bitbucket.org/theconstructcore/citysim_tc/

Primary LanguageMakefile

citysim for ROS Kinetic & Gazebo 9

To launch:

Terminal 1:
$ roslaunch citysim_tc citysim_demo.launch

Or for a (bit) lighter version of the simulation,
$ roslaunch citysim_tc citysim_demo_no_trees.launch

If using gzclient, Terminal 2:
$ roslaunch citysim_tc view_gzclient.launch

To launch rviz, in Terminal 3:
$ roslaunch citysim_tc view_rviz.launch

To control using keyboard, in Terminal 4: $ rosrun citysim_tc prius_teleop_keyboard.py

To change traffic lights, in Terminal 5:
$ rostopic pub -1 /gazebo/keypress 'data:"q"'
Change the value of data depending on which trafficlights:
Intersection 1: q/a
Intersection 2: w/s
Intersection 3: e/d
Intersection 4: r/f

To run m-city simulation (racing circuit) instead;
$ roslaunch citysim_tc mcity_demo.launch