
My first react SPA application. To create app I used this boilplate: Dist folder is also in repo, beacasue webpack need more RAM then heroku limit for free acount. If you want to check admin-panel, the login is with password admin. Generaly admin is adding event and user can sign up for this event. Main techs:

  • React, react-redux, react-router, axios
  • Material UI, scss
  • Webpack, babel
  • Typescript, awesome-typescript-loader
  • Jest, enzyme, redux-mock-store
  • Express
  • Linter for typescript and scss

Installation and scripts

To install and start application localy use: yarn install and `yarn start-dev. Before that you should firstly run server app.

  • yarn run start-dev | Build app continuously (HMR enabled)
  • yarn run start-prod | Build app once (HMR disabled)
  • yarn run start | Run app by nodemon from /dist
  • yarn run build | Build app to /dist/
  • yarn run test | Run tests
  • yarn run lint | Run Typescript and SASS linter
  • yarn run lint:ts | Run Typescript linter
  • yarn run lint:sass | Run SASS linter

File structure

At this moment only application-form in User module is finished. The rest of app has different structures. Generally I think a good option is to make file structure and naming like Angular style guide. Modules are a part of app designed for special purpose. After that we can make theam lazy loaded. Modules can contain pages and helpers folder. Page folder will store e.g for application-form:

  • application-form.container.tsx | react-redux container that will connect props to dummy component and use services and actions
  • application-form.component.tsx | dummy presentation component without state
  • | any logic functions like validators or http requests
  • application-form.actions.tsx | list of actions with types and optional payload
  • application-form.reducers.tsx | reducers that will perform state changes
  • application-form.scss
  • components | folder for another components used in page

I'm not sure that this file structure with resposibles are the best but it works fine.



  • / -list of events, every event tab have link to sign up form
  • /form -here user can sign on event


  • /admin/happenings -list of happenings with add new happening button
  • /admin/happening/:id - happening data with update options
  • /admin/applications - list of users applications


  • /login - login form for admin panel
  • /logout - displayed after admin log out, redirect to home /
  • /no-acces - displayed if user with invalid token want to visit admin-panel
  • /not-found - displayed when router can't find path


At this time only application-form is tested. Most of the test are unit tests. Almost any expection have snapshot(great thing).

  • Component- checked how diffrent props have imact on component rendering
  • Container- Run diffrent functions connected by props, checking action types and payload
  • Actions- just checking action type and payload
  • Service- Mocking http request with axios-mock-adapter, checkig normal functions like validation
  • Reducers- run actions and check state