
An interface to send signals directly to an Android TV powered Sony Bravia TV.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Sony Bravia Remote Control Module

This package helps interface with a sony bravia Android powered smart tv.


This program attempts to talk to the bravia tv by sending IRCC signals through the network and authenticating via a preshared key. To send signals you need to know your tv's IP Address, Port (defaults to 80), and auth-key (defaults to 0000).


To connect to your Sony TV you need to know the local IP address (e.g. of the TV. If possible, set it up as a static IP to prevent it from changing. This can be done at the router level.


You can connect to your TV remotely as easily as locally but with using your external IP (e.g. 73.17.832.11) address and setting up port forwarding on your router.


To allow the TV to accept signals you have to send an auth key. This is configurable on the TV itself and defaults to 0000Setting up pre-shared auth-key Instructions

Install with npm

npm install sony-bravia-tv-remote --save-dev


Usage as a module with node or with ES6 Import

//As module
const BraviaRemoteControl = require('sony-bravia-tv-remote');

// As ES6 Import
import BraviaRemoteControl from 'sony-bravia-tv-remote';

// Connect to a local sony tv at with the auth key of 0000
const remote = new BraviaRemoteControl('', 80, '0000');

// Connect to a tv at an external location on port 44444
const networkRemote = new BraviaRemoteControl('externaldomain.com', 44444, '0000');

// Send some single actions (all return promises)
remote.sendAction('PowerOn'); // turns on
remote.sendAction('PowerOff'); // turns off
remote.sendAction('Mute'); // mutes the tv

// Send sequences of actions (sent synchronously with delays)
remote.sendActionSequence('Down Down Enter'); // Moves down twice then presses enter

//Open an app at a location on the app by navigating to it
remote.openAppSeq('Down Down Right'); // Sends home, then down down right, then confirm

Helpful Resources

Shell based remote