
A basic python implementation of the PRM planning algorithm integrated with ROS for easy interaction and visualization.

Primary LanguagePython

Simple PRM Planning Implementation

This is a global path planner in the form of a ros package.

The package is implemented in python. The algorithm used is the Probabilistic Roadmap with Djikstra's search.

The scripts folder consists of four python programs:

  • PRMPlanner.py : Implementation class for the PRM algorithms
  • goal_node.py : A helper node to manage /start and /goal topics
  • main.py : Main application program
  • ogm_to_mat.py : Helper class to parse/process occupancy grid data from the map_server pkg.


roslaunch planning_assignment planning_assignment.launch roslaunch planning_assignment planning_assignment.launch map:=/path/to/map/yaml

Use 2D Pose Estimate and 2D Nav Goal tools in rviz for obtaining start and goal points on the map.