
Path Planning using A-Star algorithm

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Path Planning using A-star Algorithm



Arpit Aggarwal

Introduction to the Project

In this project, the A-star motion planning algorithm was used on a point robot and rigid robot to navigate in a configuration space consisting of static obstacles.


Comparison of Algorithms, A-star and Dijkstra (blue are the explored region): Screenshot

A-star algorithm using Eucledian Heuristic:

Software Required

To run the .py files, use Python 3. Standard Python 3 libraries like numpy, heapq and OpenCV are used.

Instructions for running the code

To run the code for finding the path, follow the following commands:

cd Code
python astar.py


The following links were helpful for this project:

  1. https://github.com/AtsushiSakai/PythonRobotics