The program computes 629 Ai's by multiplication of 900 <img src="\large&space;\dpi{110}&space;e^{\frac{-\left|x_j-z_i_j\right|}{2\sigma^2}}" />
Here the z_ij is the (629 SVMs: Zi * 30x30 pixel set: Zij) and x_j (30x30 image vector: X)
sigma assumed to be 625
The weights are ai
and then add those Ai's to compute the final result i.e. classification of X
The following data are intialized in a file
ai -- 629 Values stored in Logarithmic Number System (LNS)
weighted according to the 'weight' value specified ranging
from 0 to 30
zi -- 629 SVMs each 900 pixel (8bit)
xi -- Input image 900 pixel (8bit)
The same data is used by the Hardware Design Testbench (Verilog) to initilize
ai and zi; and
periodic entering of image X into the design
SVM Gaussian Classifier of 30x30 greyscale image on Verilog