shuffle -incl: Fall out of -incl include.bed file
chenludi opened this issue · 1 comments
Dear developer,
I want to replace genomic blocks (A.bed) randomly on blocks of specified genomic regions (include.bed). However, the new genomic coordinates fall out of the "include.bed". human.genome
$cat A.bed
chr1 0 100
chr2 0 1000
$cat include.bed
chr1 200 203
chr1 204 400
chr1 300 325
chr2 2000 4000
$ head human.genome
chr1 240000000
chr2 240000000
$bedtools shuffle -i A.bed -g human.genome -chrom -incl include.bed
chr2 2811 2911
chr2 2666 3666
After shuffling, it exceeds the include.bed and the chromosome number was not kept. Did I misunderstand what the command does? Also, what if there is not enough room in include.bed to place the blocks in A.bed?
Thank you!
In addition, I used betools v2.30.0.