- 0
- 0
[BUG] munmap_chunk(): invalid pointer
#381 opened by LunaticWyrm467 - 7
Feature Update Arrayfire Rust to 3.9.0
#375 opened by BA8F0D39 - 3
- 1
Update repositories for releasing crates
#377 opened by 9prady9 - 0
Publish Release
#378 opened by 9prady9 - 2
- 2
- 1
Add github action to check for crate vulnerabilities to run once a day on master branch
#327 opened by 9prady9 - 1
Make seq macro syntax consistent
#306 opened by 9prady9 - 3
[Build] Failing Security GitHub Action
#357 opened by 9prady9 - 2
[BUG] arrayfire::locate fails for large arrays
#373 opened by BA8F0D39 - 0
- 0
- 5
[Build] Half 2.2.0 is not compatible
#370 opened by BA8F0D39 - 1
Pad invert
#369 opened by HVisMyLife - 2
"max" crash when using GTX 1060 and CUDA 11.8
#367 opened by 3togo - 0
[Build] Support MacOS-arm-64
#368 opened by Congyuwang - 2
Multi GPU Support
#366 opened by nickmachnik - 3
- 1
In file src\backend\cuda\kernel/reduce.hpp:429 CUDA Error (209): no kernel image is available for execution on the device 0# af::array::host in afcuda 1# af::array::host in afcuda 2# af::array::host in afcuda 3# af::array::host in afcuda 4# af::array::host in afcuda 5# af::array::host in af 6# arrayfire::algorithm::max_all<f64>
#354 opened by 1392492818 - 5
[BUG] FFT example not working, Trait Bound HasAfEnum not implemented for Complex<float>
#331 opened by steckes - 2
How to do assignment?
#333 opened by 3togo - 2
How to convert Seq to Array?
#332 opened by 3togo - 0
Support batch matrix multiplication
#329 opened by nathanielsimard - 2
Not actually using iGPU? [Perf]
#322 opened by wbrickner - 5
- 2
[BUG] Impossible to use `convolve2_nn`
#323 opened by c0dearm - 2
- 6
[BUG] Rust compiler optimizations crashes arrayfire
#299 opened by BA8F0D39 - 1
Feature Request: Double Precision on M1
#317 opened by alvarozamora - 4
#311 opened by 0rphon - 6
- 1
- 0
[BUG] Fix Clippy warnings
#309 opened by 9prady9 - 19
- 3
Controversial seq! macro usage examples
#301 opened by videobitva - 1
[BUG]Typo in readme for MacOS
#303 opened by pauleaster - 1
Can not use imax_all in typed function [BUG]
#300 opened by HammerBu - 0
- 4
Feature Make argument "b" of replace_scalar type T
#288 opened by BA8F0D39 - 2
arrayfire::set_rows fails on bool array? [BUG]
#295 opened by BA8F0D39 - 0
Bump num to 0.4.0
#293 opened by jkelleyrtp - 0
arrayfire::neq should output Array<bool> ?
#291 opened by BA8F0D39 - 9
[BUG] arrayfire fails on Intel OneAPI OpenCL CPU Runtime and POCL OpenCL CPU Runtime
#289 opened by BA8F0D39 - 6
Can't manually drop array ?
#286 opened by BA8F0D39 - 3
- 10
[BUG] crashes everytime
#282 opened by nodeSpace - 8
[Build] serde/arrayfire conflict when building
#279 opened by ronniec95 - 4
Bitnot changes array type?
#276 opened by BA8F0D39