FastPick ROS Package

The packages in this repository are for FastPick project. These packages are the integration of the different components developed by different team members.

Package Description:

  • fastpick_bringup - contains the bringup launch file of franka arm, its moveit instance, perception pipeline and camera driver.

  • fastpick_description - contains URDF/Xacro that connect Franka Panda arm with a camera and its gripper. The package also contains the hand-in-eye calibration parameters i.e. the TF from fastpick_grasp_link to camera_color_optical_frame.

P.S: If you feel the need to recalibrate the hand-in-eye configuration, you can use the pre-configured joint values in the calib/ folder

  • fastpick_msgs - contains the custom msg type used to publish the results of the ENet berry detection model.

  • fastpick_percetion - contains the deep machine learning (ENet) model for berry detection, its inference script and two python nodes. One of them uses camera color image for berry detection and publishes it on a ROS topic whereas the other node subscribe to this detected_berry inference and further post process it using contour detection and ellipse fitting. A number of TF frames with respect to camera_color_optical_frame are also published for each berry that can be useful in the pick and place pipeline. The same filtering node re-publishes the color image, camera info, as well as remove detected berry masks from the depth image and publish the depth_berry and depth_background topic which are later used for OctoMap generation.

  • fastpick_pick - contains a node that takes in the berry frame and try to plan a path from robot EE i.e. fastpick_grasp_link to given berry frame. The berry frames are the frames published from fastpick_perception pipeline.

  • moveit_calibration - This is a MoveIt package for hand-in-eye and hand-to-eye calibration.

  • panda_moveit_config - contains the Franka Panda MoveIt config. The package is slightly modified from the actual panda_moveit_config in the sense that the real panda controller action server were provided to moveit instead of the fake_controllers, the camera collisions were added (and disabled) in the SRDF file, OctoMap was added using the background depth mask published by fastpick_perception pipeline

How to Run:

  1. Make sure you have a conda environment setup
  2. Create a virtual environment. Its not neccessary but ENet model requires torchvision library. Install the requirement.txt inside fastpick_perception/requirements.txt
  3. Activate the virtual environment
  4. Clone this repo
  5. Run rosdep for neccessary ros packages
  6. Catkin make it
  7. Source the workspace
# terminal 1 // control, moveit, camera 
$ roslaunch fastpick_bringup fastpick_bringup.launch
# terminal 2 // perception pipeline
$ roslaunch fastpick_perception fastpick_perception_bringup.launch

You can run one node to pick one berry at a time.

# terminal 3 // perception pick & place pipeline
$ roslaunch fastpick_pick fastpick_pick_berry.launch how_many:=2

# how_many: Number of berries to pick (should be less-or-equal to the berry_n frames where n is 1,2,3,4...)


You can use the action server/client where the action-server sits silently with all the motion planning codes and waits for the request from the action-client node.

When the action client node is run, it sends a request to action-server as to how many berries to pick and those berreis are picked. If a berry is not picked, the feedback is sent back to action-client.

# run the action server (possibly in terminal 3) 
$ rosrun fastpick_pick 
# run the action client (in terminal 4) 
$ roslaunch fastpick_pick fastpick_action_client.launch how_many:=<number-of-berries-to-pick>

If the number-of-berries-to-pick is let say 5. They berry_1 .. berry_5 will be picked. However, if the vision detection node does not find any of the berries (let's say berry_3), then it will be ignored completely.

Planning Pipelines

I am loading three planning pipelines from MoveIt i.e. OMPL, CHOMP and PILZ Industrial Planners. The idea is to use all three or two of them. We can change the planner at run time before each plan. PILz (LIN/PTP) is useful for straight line motion (without collision detection / obstable avoidance). CHOMP provides collision free-paths at the cost of jerky motion. OMPL finds a collision free path is there is one (slower than CHOMP but smoother). We can use CHOMP with OMPL as a preprocessor to get from home pose to pre-grasp pose and then switch the planning pipeline to use LIN from PILZ pipeline for pre-grasp to grasp pose and then post-grasp pose. Then we can switch it back to OMPL/CHOMP to go to place poses. The (robotic) world is your oyster!!! :P

Berry Detection

We developed two berry detection system based on ENeT model and MaskRCNN. The Mask R-CNN based models were also segmenting the environment into 4 segments (berry, background, .. ). This repository use the ENeT model as it was more faster and accurate. For MaskRCNN, you will need to setup detectron2 library.


  • I used rosbridge server for MaskPredictor as I do not have NVidia GPU installed. However, rosbridge server might need a lot of python3 libraries to be manually installed. These includes tornado, bson, service_identity. Keep running roslaunch rosbridge_server rosbrigde_websocket.launch and it will keep giving you NO module found erro which you can install using pip3 install module-name

  • One of the module will be bson, which needs a specific version that comes with pymongo and you will need to run these commands to install it:

$ pip install bson
$ pip install hyperopt
$ pip install hyperas
$ sudo pip uninstall bson
$ pip install pymongo