
Code of the subject IA725 - Computer Graphics

Primary LanguageC++

IA725 - Computação Gráfica I (Computer Graphics I)

This repository contains all exercises of the subject IA725 (Computer Graphics I) of FEEC - Unicamp by professor Wu Shin Ting on the 2nd semester of 2021. Course link.

All codes are based on modified versions of the OpenGL tutorials made by Etay Meiri that can be found on ogldev.org. His GitHub repository: https://github.com/emeiri/ogldev .

Techs used:

  • Lang: C++
  • Libs: FreeGLUT, GLEW, glm (ArcBall calculation)
  • API: required OpenGL >= 3
  • IDE: Visual Studio 2019
  • All codes are being tested on a computer that has a NVIDIA GeForce 610M video card that supports OpenGL up to 4.6 (NVIDIA 388.73 driver).

Example images:

Exercise 7 - Flat shading Exercise 7 flat shading example

Exercise 7 - Phong shading Exercise 7 Phong shading example


Exercise Description Status
1 Theoretical exercises done on Moodle to review mathematical concepts to use in computer graphics. ✔️
2 Implement three programs: a table (brown), an icosahedron (yellow) subdivided in order 3, and a Utah teapot (blue), centered on the origin. ✔️
3 Implement a scene of a table on which are the Utah teapot and the icosahedron subdivided in order 4. You can rotate the scene by an arcball. ✔️
4 Add to the scene of the table with the sphere and the Utah teapot two functionalities: (a) selection of projection type, parallel and perspective, via glutCreateMenu; (b) navigation through the scene in a manner analogous to the interactions implemented in Tutorial 14 and Tutorial 15. ✔️
5 Design: add clipping functionality by a plane within the view volume (plane repositioning via terminal keys). Peer evaluation of the projects. ✔️
6 Implement a function to edit the H,S,V components of the icosahedron color in the table scene with the Utah teapot and the icosahedron subdivided up to order 3 by means of the following interactions: H increases the angle and h reduces the angle on the color disk by 10 units (chroma); S increases the white and s reduces the white by 10 units (saturation), and V increases the brightness and v reduces the brightness by 10 units (luminance). ✔️
7 Add a white light source to the scene of the table with the sphere and the Utah teapot. Apply the Blinn-Phong lighting model and three types of shading (Flat, Gouraud and Phong) to "colorize" the three objects in the scene. Add this new feature as an item, containing 3 sub-items to the menu you created earlier. ✔️
8 Theoretical exercises done on Moodle to study about rasterization in computer graphics. ✔️
9 Add to the scene of the table with the sphere and the Utah teapot a shadow of the table in relation to the white light source.
10 Project: Add to the table scene with the Utah sphere and teapot a wooden texture for the table, a bump texture for the 4-order icosahedron, and a well-polished, smooth-surfaced teapot. Peer evaluation of the projects.
11 Theoretical exercises done on Moodle to study about modern graphics hardware in computer graphics. ✔️