- 0
- 3
Duplicated point not recognized
#187 opened by LeoPizzo1 - 3
Some inputs that trigger failure
#154 opened by Som1Lse - 4
Resume CDT::Triangulation
#183 opened by aeioaeu - 6
- 2
- 4
Name clash
#181 opened by sampotter - 5
- 3
Failure in eraseOuterTriangles
#176 opened by LeoPizzo1 - 0
- 3
- 5
overlapping edges / flat triangles (solved)
#166 opened by all4one1 - 1
Question about m_vertTris
#173 opened by LeoPizzo1 - 20
A case that failed in triangulation
#172 opened by pan3rock - 10
How to update triangulations efficiently?
#170 opened by pan3rock - 2
Generate some degenerate triangles
#169 opened by KevinWang-kk - 2
- 1
Csharp support?
#167 opened by seghier - 1
#164 opened by LeoPizzo1 - 4
Infinite Loop in Conform Mode
#165 opened by renvenuti - 6
Tiny compilation warning (VS2019)
#163 opened by LeoPizzo1 - 1
Warnings: `vertices` is shadowing a member declaration
#162 opened by couet - 4
What is the coordinate system for this algorithm?
#151 opened by MWstudios - 0
Port to C# [link in description]
#152 opened by MWstudios - 6
[1.3.3] Issue with edge insertion (CDT::IntersectingConstraintEdges::Resolve)
#148 opened by egladil86 - 4
Missing inline
#144 opened by ldcMasa - 8
Assert during triangulation
#142 opened by alkonior - 0
Bug in resolving constraint edges intersection when there is a hanging edge
#139 opened by artem-ogre - 4
Could not find vertex triangle intersected by edge
#134 opened by qtbui159 - 2
Callback for `addNewVertex`?
#132 opened by svenpilz - 3
how can I control vertex count?
#131 opened by hyungshin-park - 1
Some triangles have circumcenters of other triangles
#130 opened by Hotege - 2
Is it true that all triangles have same direction?
#129 opened by Hotege - 0
Make it possible to add non-boundary constraints that don't affect hole detection
#123 opened by artem-ogre - 2
VertexInsertionOrder::Randomized is not thread safe
#112 opened by proc-sim - 9
- 3
- 2
Would you please illustrate the algorithm of eraseOuterTriangles() and eraseOuterTrianglesAndHoles()
#121 opened by GeoGroup - 5
conformToEdges Infinite loop
#120 opened by cookielive - 4
KDTree namespace conflict
#110 opened by proc-sim - 5
Retain order of edges.
#116 opened by DarrenlloydGent - 1
triangulate a very small domain
#115 opened by xiaolong7 - 2
How to compile and use under windows ? Thank you
#114 opened by AmazingBean - 5
- 2
insertEdge can get stuck in an infinite loop
#113 opened by proc-sim - 3
edges Parameter not in CDT::Triangulation
#108 opened by Sum80 - 9
.h and .hpp files with the same name
#105 opened by petrasvestartas - 5
Random shuffling not compatible with c++17
#104 opened by petrasvestartas - 18
Can we get different results depending on the OS?
#103 opened by stla - 0
Are predicates used in CDT safe?
#100 opened by artem-ogre