
Ros workspace to simulate IMAV 2019 indoor competition

Primary LanguagePython


Repo under development ❗

what you will find in this repo

  • Not quite sure yet...


Setup Repository

(tested on ubuntu 16.04)

clone repo

cd ~/
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/buckerman/catkin_ws_bebop.git

install parrot-sphinx:

. ~/catkin_ws_bebop/install.sh

build catkin workspace

cd ~/catkin_ws_bebop/
rosdep update
rosdep install --from-paths src -i
catkin build

Run simulation

  • launch firmwared

open a new terminal and run:

. ~/catkin_ws_bebop/0_setup_simulation.sh

it's expected to get "I firmwared_firmwares: done indexing firmwares" printed on the last line.

Note: If firmwared is running correctly you should get "PONG"

after that start the simulated world by runnig:

. ~/catkin_ws_bebop/1_launch_simulation_world.sh

and than in another terminal launch the bebop driver to communicate with the drone

. ~/catkin_ws_bebop/2_launch_simulation_driver.sh

check (in another terminal) if the drone have spawned correctly by running :

ping   #it might be other ip like 10.202.X.1

you shoud get some thing like:

64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.030 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.034 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.046 ms

Great! now you are ready to simulate!

Note: you can also use roslaunch instead of the 2_launch_simulation_driver.sh script

roslaunch simulation simulate.launch

if you are using a different ip, edit the value of the >arg "ip" on the simulate.launch file

Run on real live (offboard)

tested on parrot bebop 2 drone

Firstly make sure that none of the simulation scripts is runing.
Turn on the drone and connect to the drone's wifi
start bebops'driver by running:

roslaunch imav_indoor drone.launch

run whatever node you want 😄

rosrun simulation small_square.py # for example

... under development ...