
Conversion package to convert tf2 to/from manif data structures.

Primary LanguageC++


A conversion package to convert tf2 to/from manif data structures.

Package Summary

Quick Start

From source

$ git clone https://github.com/artivis/tf2_manif.git
$ catkin build

Some more details about the package

For more information about the manif library please follow this link.

Supported datatype:

ROS message type manif datatype Transform function
geometry_msgs::Vector3 Eigen::Vector3d void doTransform(const Eigen::Vector3d& t_in, Eigen::Vector3d& t_out, const geometry_msgs::Transform& transform)
geometry_msgs::Quaternion manif::SO3d void doTransform(const manif::SO3d& t_in, manif::SO3d& t_out, const geometry_msgs::Transform& transform)
geometry_msgs::Pose manif::SE3d void doTransform(const manif::SE3d& t_in, manif::SE3d& t_out, const geometry_msgs::Transform& transform)
geometry_msgs::Twist manif::SE3Tangentd Not available atm : see here