
dockerizing CRAM

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Intel4coro Project - Giskard and PR2 Simulator


Please install docker and docker-compose to your system.

  • To install docker (only for linux user)
sudo apt  install docker.io

Check if docker is active run: sudo systemctl status docker. If status is not active, activate it run: sudo systemctl enable --now docker

  • To install docker-compose
sudo apt install docker-compose

To install and start Giskard and PR2 Simulator follow these steps: (Linux CLI)

  1. Create a directory. (any name of your choice eg.docker)
  2. Create a YAML file name it as docker-compose.yml
  3. Copy paste everthing of docker-compose.yml (see above) to it.
  4. RUN in CLI xhost +local:docker.
  5. Go to the file where it is located see step 1. cd docker
  6. RUN sudo docker-compose up.

Simulate Giskard and PR2 Simulator on RVIZ

  • At the bottom left press ADD
  • Under By display type ADD RobotModel
  • Under By topic ADD InteractiveMarkers and MarkerArray
  • Check whether the simulation worked or not on RobotModel