- 6
- 2
Caching the Index method
#94 opened by AndreiDev - 1
- 1
Default expires_in override global_cache_options
#91 opened by hemslo - 0
- 7
Does Garner support binding ActiveRecord models?
#84 opened by mfunaro - 4
garnered_find slower than find?
#88 opened by joeyAghion - 4
How to cache only anonymous(non-login) request?
#87 opened by hey-jude - 2
- 9
Stale record retrieved via garnered_find
#80 opened by dblock - 0
Add cache logging support
#85 opened by dblock - 1
Run tests on JRuby
#75 opened by dblock - 2
- 13
Does Garner work with Roar?
#55 opened by monfresh - 2
Release Next
#78 opened by dblock - 1
Support ActiveRecord 4
#72 opened by dblock - 1
Fix Mongoid4 dependency
#71 opened by dblock - 1
Using non-ORM bindings
#69 opened by fancyremarker - 1
Garner/Grape Entity issue
#67 opened by esoto - 7
Add automatic support for Grape entities
#17 opened by andyw8 - 5
Can't get it to work with Grape
#65 opened by andoriyu - 2
support for Sequel
#66 opened by rolandjitsu - 2
Document how to set up Rspec for testing
#57 opened by monfresh - 3
Inconsistency between Mongoid find and Garner::Mixins::Mongoid::Document.garnered_find
#62 opened by mzikherman - 0
BindingIndex and SafeCacheKey key strategies both incorrectly return non-nil cache keys for Model.identify(nil)
#60 opened by fancyremarker - 3
Caller context key strategy totally borks if Garner::Cache::Context#garner is monkey-patched
#56 opened by fancyremarker - 5
- 9
Where to include Garner::Mixins::Rack ?
#53 opened by monfresh - 2
Mongoid garnered_find causes two similar queries
#50 opened by dblock - 5
- 1
- 0
`garnered_find` breaks on case-insensitive `find` with `BindingIndex` strategy
#44 opened by fancyremarker - 1
Add a binding key strategy that lists all compound cache keys associated with a binding
#30 opened by fancyremarker - 3
- 9
Undefined method [] for Pathname(/path/to/my/app) (problem with Caller key strategy)
#35 opened by skwp - 6
- 2
garner fails if mongoid not loaded yet
#6 opened by joeyAghion - 1
- 1
- 2
- 1
- 1
- 2
Mongoid mixin should offer a `garnered_find` class method with automatically appropriate key and binding
#24 opened by fancyremarker - 2
Q: Logic when both HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE and HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH are sent by client
#19 opened by mikebevz - 4
Caching POST request and responses
#18 opened by MattNguyen - 0
- 1
- 0