
A collection of 3rd party themes for ruTorrent found on the web.

Primary LanguageCSS


I decided to create this repo because the pre-installed ruTorrent themes are not very good looking and sometimes it's hard to find more 3rd party themes.


The main purpose of this repo is to list the 3rd-party ruTorrent themes, I'm not going to always keep them up-to-date so here are the source links (in case you'd want a newer version) :



Agent34 (screenshot)

$ cd /var/www/rutorrent/plugins/theme/themes
$ svn co https://github.com/ArtyumX/ruTorrent-Themes/trunk/Agent34

Agent46 (screenshot)

$ cd /var/www/rutorrent/plugins/theme/themes
$ svn co https://github.com/ArtyumX/ruTorrent-Themes/trunk/Agent46

OblivionBlue (screenshot)

$ cd /var/www/rutorrent/plugins/theme/themes
$ svn co https://github.com/ArtyumX/ruTorrent-Themes/trunk/OblivionBlue

MaterialDesign (screenshot)

$ cd /var/www/rutorrent/plugins/theme/themes
$ svn co https://github.com/ArtyumX/ruTorrent-Themes/trunk/MaterialDesign

FlatUI_Dark (screenshot)

$ cd /var/www/rutorrent/plugins/theme/themes
$ svn co https://github.com/ArtyumX/ruTorrent-Themes/trunk/FlatUI_Dark

FlatUI_Light (screenshot)

$ cd /var/www/rutorrent/plugins/theme/themes
$ svn co https://github.com/ArtyumX/ruTorrent-Themes/trunk/FlatUI_Light

FlatUI_Material (screenshot)

$ cd /var/www/rutorrent/plugins/theme/themes
$ svn co https://github.com/ArtyumX/ruTorrent-Themes/trunk/FlatUI_Material

club-QuickBox (screenshot)

$ cd /var/www/rutorrent/plugins/theme/themes
$ svn co https://github.com/ArtyumX/ruTorrent-Themes/trunk/club-QuickBox