A collection of 3rd party themes for ruTorrent found on the web.
- 2wenty2woSydney, Australia
- 663D74N
- A973CFrance
- acecon
- alex-phillipsRaleigh, NC
- alexanderscott@flymachine-dev
- Ali-ShaikhPakistan, UAE, United Kingdom
- altan-meAuckland, NZ
- bhavicpObtrix
- Chaz6Leicestershire, GB
- dany-sanchezFrance
- dash9483
- expoechoAvant Destiny Labs
- exratFrance
- h1nk
- joker999
- KillaKev
- kirava
- kthxbai
- malikis
- mrlongshenMalaysia
- mykevin81San Francisco
- oneslowboi
- pyroscopePale Blue Dot
- r363x
- rixtoxMetacoder
- robertheadleySioux Falls, SD
- scriptzteam.::[S.p.\-A-/.c.E]::.
- skapytek
- STX2k~
- TechJennings
- trx1138
- urumikanzaki
- vitor-alvesSão Paulo, SP, Brazil
- VodzoSerbia
- wcasanovaCL, Stgo