GCamp ROS 2 Basic

ROS 2 Basics with Gazebo Simulations

Feel Free to use this repo as an template code 😀


I followed this tutorial in the Ubuntu 22.04 ROS-Humble environment and made some modifications to address syntax changes.

One of the notable changes is in the executor syntax: From rclcpp::executor::FutureReturnCode::SUCCESS >> rclcpp::FutureReturnCode::SUCCESS , which changed from Foxy to Humble.

Additionally there were changes in functions that used std::future in callbacks, which now accept const SharedPtr &.

When I made these few modifications, I confirmed that there were no issues with execution.

For the Python version, it is recommended to use 3.8. If you proceed with version 3.10, you might encounter warnings related to the setup.py file. To resolve this, it is suggested to set the setuptools version to 58.2.0 or lower.

lastly, I haven't made any modifications to the instructions for the Foxy version, and I have no plans to do so in the future. Please be careful when installing dependencies.


There's Youtube Lecture note for all codes, all packages (Written in Korean)

There's Lecture note for all codes, all packages (Written in Korean)

You can pull prepared Docker Image for this lecture. All you need to install is already prepared in this setup!

docker pull tge1375/gcamp-ros2-foxy:0.0.4
docker run -it -p 6080:80 --name gcamp_ros2_foxy --privileged tge1375/gcamp-ros2-foxy:0.0.4
# open your web brower and enter to

(Special thanks to Tiryoh )

Repo Structure

├── cpp_first_pkg
├── cpp_topic_pkg
├── cpp_service_pkg
├── cpp_action_pkg
├── py_first_pkg
├── py_topic_pkg
├── py_service_pkg
├── py_action_pkg
├── custom_interfaces
└── gcamp_gazebo

*- gcamp_gazebo : Gazeobo Package with Worlds and Robot. *- cpp_<sth>_pkg : C++ ROS 2 packages for each ROS Communication Mechanisms *- py_<sth>_pkg : Python ROS 2 packages for each ROS Communication Mechanisms *- custom_interfaces : Package for custom ROS 2 communication interfaces

Examples - rclpy

Topic Examples

*- Available nodes and Execution commands

ros2 run py_topic_pkg cmd_vel_pub_node 
ros2 run py_topic_pkg laser_raw_node 
ros2 run py_topic_pkg laser_sub_node
ros2 run py_topic_pkg parking_node

Project - Parking

Use ROS 2 topic to park the robot correctly in the simulation.

*- LaserScan data Subscribe *- Twist publish

Service Examples

*- Available nodes and Execution commands

ros2 run py_service_pkg gazebo_model_spawner
ros2 run py_service_pkg robot_turning_server
ros2 service call /turn_robot custom_interfaces/srv/TurningControl "{time_duration: 5, angular_vel_z: 1.0, linear_vel_x: 0.5}"
ros2 service call /delete_entity gazebo_msgs/srv/DeleteEntity "{name: 'skidbot'}"
ros2 run py_service_pkg robot_turning_client

Project - Spawn Cloned Robot

Use ROS 2 service to bring a robot into the simulation.

*- ROS Gazebo Service *- Service Client *- URDF

Action Examples

*- Available nodes and Execution commands

ros2 run py_action_pkg fibonacci_action_server 
ros2 run py_action_pkg fibonacci_action_client 
ros2 run py_action_pkg fibonacci_action_server_cancel 
ros2 run py_action_pkg fibonacci_action_client_cancel

ros2 action send_goal fibonacci custom_interfaces/action/Fibonacci "{order: 5}"
ros2 action send_goal --feedback fibonacci custom_interfaces/action/Fibonacci "{order: 5}"

ros2 run image_view image_view --ros-args --remap /image:=/diffbot/camera_sensor/image_raw
ros2 run py_action_pkg img_subscriber_node 
ros2 run py_action_pkg odom_sub_node 
ros2 run py_action_pkg robot_controller
ros2 run py_action_pkg maze_action_server
ros2 run py_action_pkg maze_action_client
ros2 action send_goal --feedback maze_action custom_interfaces/action/Maze "{turning_sequence: [2,1,0,1,2]}"

Project - Maze Escape

Use ROS 2 action to get the robot out of the maze.

*- Action Client & Server *- ROS 2 odometry *- OpenCV

Theory - Robot Dynamics

*- Make skid_drive robot and differential_drive robot with URDF, and make them moving in Gazebo Environment. *- Check difference btw them

Update & TODO

  • Tutorial for Windows Users
  • Renew tutorial with NVIDIAIsaac Sim


*- Package Development : kimsooyoung *- Error Review & Contribution : YoonSeok Pyo