
Code for the paper Task Agnostic Morphology Evolution.

Primary LanguagePython

Task-Agnostic Morphology Optimization

This repository contains code for the paper Task-Agnostic Morphology Evolution by Donald (Joey) Hejna, Pieter Abbeel, and Lerrel Pinto published at ICLR 2021.

The code has been cleaned up to make it easier to use. An older version of the code was made available with the ICLR submission here.


The code was tested and used on Ubuntu 20.04. Our baseline implementations use taskset, an ubuntu program for setting CPU affinity. You need taskset to run some of the experiments, and the code will fail without it.

Install the conda environment using the provided file via the command conda env create -f environment.yml. Given this project involves only state based RL, the environment does not install CUDA and the code is setup to use CPU. Activate the environment with conda activate morph_opt.

Next, make sure to install the optimal_agents package by running pip install -e . from the github directory. This will use the setup.py file.

The code is built on top of Stable Baselines 3, Pytorch, and Pytorch Geometric. The exact specified version of stable baselines 3 is required.

Running Experiments

Currently, configs for the 2D experiments have been pushed to the repo. I'm working on pushing more config files that form the basis for the experiments run. To run large scale experiments for the publication, we used additional AWS tools.

Evolution experiments can be run using the train_ea.py script found in the scripts directory. Below are example commands for running different morphology evolution algorithms:

python scripts/train_ea.py -p configs/locomotion2d/2d_tame.yaml

python scripts/train_ea.py -p configs/locomotion2d/2d_tamr.yaml

python scripts/train_ea.py -p configs/locomotion2d/2d_nge_no_pruning.yaml

python scripts/train_ea.py -p configs/locomotion2d/2d_nge_pruning.yaml

After running evolution to discover good morphologies, you can evaluate them using PPO via the provided eval configs.

python scripts/train_rl.py -p configs/locomotion2d/2d_eval.yaml

Note that you have to edit the config file to include either the path to the optimized morphology or a predefined type like random2d or cheetah. We evaluate all morphologies across a number of different environments. The provided configuration file runs evaluations for just one.

To better keep track of the experiment names, you can edit the name field in the config files.

By default, experiments are saved to the data directory. This can be changed by providing an output location with the -o flag.

Rendering, Testing, and Plotting

See the test scripts for viewing agents after they have been trained.

For plotting results like those in the paper, use the plotting scripts. Note that to use the plotting scripts correctly, a specific directory structure is required. Details for this can be found in optimal_agents/utils/plotter.py.


If you use this code. Please cite the paper.