- 12
Double prime
#88 opened by drlippman - 4
Implement continued fractions
#98 opened by ishiikurisu - 2
- 0
#147 opened by cuppajoeman - 2
Fraction bars aren't rendered as text
#146 opened by grantelledge - 0
Convert asciimath JavaScript output to PDF
#145 opened by swapsshah - 2
Support physical units
#129 opened by suruena - 1
AsciiMath render intermittently not triggering in dropdown menu on iOS Safari
#143 opened by khirasaki - 3
Add Probability as a Function
#108 opened by saivan - 2
Thousands separator not documented
#141 opened by mcp292 - 2
Please add `∼` (tilde operator) and `≁` (not tilde)
#140 opened by Epyxoid - 1
Support more geometry symbols
#128 opened by onomou - 2
Add ≢
#133 opened by mathcounts4 - 2
- 5
Language extensions (discussion)
#111 opened by GarkGarcia - 1
support for mathjax 3
#137 opened by jimy-byerley - 0
Add support for ⊈
#136 opened by RichardJECooke - 0
Formal grammar is incomplete
#135 opened by dpk - 0
Support for \mathscr.
#134 opened by Yolwoocle - 0
TextMate grammar
#132 opened by fabiospampinato - 1
An exception occurs when using parseMath!The attribute "mathvariant" is incorrect!
#131 opened by masx200 - 1
Vec() crashes updater
#130 opened by dlevear - 3
Inconsistent whitespace sensitivity with numbers
#124 opened by kozross - 1
- 3
Minus plus
#93 opened by drlippman - 0
Render ~ with u223C
#117 opened by drlippman - 1
i-hat and j-hat symbols?
#121 opened by archiepaulson - 3
- 3
VCS Tags
#120 opened by marcelometal - 9
Parenthesis in 'u_(-)' to avoid unexpected rendering
#114 opened by sebi5361 - 1
mlt, mgt symbols don't work
#115 opened by fdeitylink - 5
Much less than, much greater than symbols
#96 opened by multimeric - 1
Row vectors in numerators don't display as vectors
#113 opened by jolyonb - 0
Doesn't work on live time!
#112 opened by ravijyoti3 - 4
A home for language development?
#110 opened by GarkGarcia - 4
dtheta renders as dth\eta
#105 opened by jolyonb - 1
Error processing `(if, prod())`
#104 opened by dpvc - 1
`{cc}` creates invalid output
#106 opened by pkra - 1
How to convert ASCIIMATH to MathML?
#109 opened by MaJuanWH - 2
Unicode characters and semantics
#92 opened by Larivact - 2
How can i use it with React Native?
#84 opened by isalvinator - 2
Superscript in square brackets
#103 opened by Lesik - 5
- 1
Curly braces not showing as matrix-like arrangement
#101 opened by mbumbaugh - 2
how to use any name for variables?
#100 opened by sibelius - 1
Rendering of 1/f^2c^2
#94 opened by drlippman - 2
Moving to a Modern Build System
#91 opened by saivan - 11
Activate Feram for all repos
#85 opened by adius - 1
- 2
Inline Asciimath
#83 opened by saivan