
Available translations for Aseprite distributed via extensions

Translation Project

Thanks to the help of several contributors, we're trying to create official translations coordinate in a Weblate project to be released in the following versions of Aseprite:

Translation status


We welcome contributions from the community to help us achieve comprehensive language support. To contribute, visit our Weblate project and participate in the translation process. Your efforts play a crucial role in making Aseprite more accessible and user-friendly for a global audience.

Language Extensions

For Aseprite v1.3.2 and older versions, here a list of translations created by Aseprite users and distributed as extensions:

How to change Aseprite language?

Since Aseprite v1.2.7.3-beta10 you can:

  1. Go to Edit > Preferences > Extensions > Add Extension
  2. Select the downloaded .zip of the language extension
  3. Then go to Edit > Preferences > General > Language and select the new language in the combobox
  4. Press the OK button.

For more details, you can check out the official documentation to create new translations as extensions: docs/extensions