A list of cool and helpful Xcoded plugins, resources and open source stuff. Feel free to contribute!
A list of useful Xcode plugins, most can be installed directly or via Alcatraz.
- Backlight for XCode: Highlights the current editing line in Xcode
- Toggle Asset Catalog Background: Xcode plugin to switch between white and dark background color in the asset catalog viewer.
- XCACtionBar: Select some text and pop up a command bar to perform various actions on it.
- XToDo: Collect and list the TODO,FIXME,???,!!!
- VVDocumenter-Xcode: Auto generate Javadoc style documentation for methods and properties, including params and return values
- JHChainableAnimations: Easy to read and write chainable animations in Objective-C
- DKChainableAnimationKit: Easy to read and write chainable animations in Swift
- Cleanse: Lightweight Swift Dependency Injection Framework
- Danger: Formalize your Pull Request etiquette