- 0
Feature request: Dark mode
#57 opened by louisoftokyo - 2
Universal Binary for Apple Silicon
#55 opened by thebitstick - 7
Toggle translation popup via hotkey
#49 opened by ClarkAllen1556 - 8
Feature request: Adding word to a word list
#11 opened by vebaev - 1
- 1
Feature request: Add support for Chinese
#47 opened by wbogocki - 3
- 7
Disabling Safarikai does not gray out the icon
#30 opened by beschoenen - 7
Quit the main app when main window is closed
#42 opened by ashchan - 21
Safari no longer supports unsafe extensions.
#18 opened by LuisOskar - 1
Highlight bad behavior
#24 opened by ashchan - 0
Update EDICT
#32 opened by ashchan - 0
Improve JSON parsing performance
#36 opened by ashchan - 1
Rid of CoffeeScript
#26 opened by ashchan - 4
Update dictionary, add names and/or more
#25 opened by ashchan - 0
Remove SQLite
#27 opened by ashchan - 2
Issue with Facebook messenger text input
#14 opened by armincerf - 7
Duplicate result popup added to iframe
#17 opened by ABeard89 - 6
V2.0: Safari App Extension
#13 opened by ashchan - 3
- 1
- 6
Breaks drag-drop (in roundcube)
#5 opened by furkanmustafa - 1
Safarikai throws exception which is unhandled by Office Online apps and causes crash
#15 opened by olofhellman - 1
Publish japanese-kit to npm registry
#10 opened - 2
HTML Ruby tag breaks range selection
#8 opened by chriskempson - 2
Broken download link in Readme
#7 opened by chriskempson - 3
Can't install on Safari 7.0.4
#4 opened by kaskajp - 0
More style
#3 opened by ashchan - 0
Async load data files
#1 opened by ashchan - 0
Deal with frames
#2 opened by ashchan