A file backed circular buffer for Go. Mmap file into memory. Madvise to lower memory footprint.
- aakarsh
- adragomirBucharest
- albertsRippling
- bobrik@cloudflare
- brandtTwilio
- brustonUK
- cesardvMe, Myself, and I, Inc
- cmarsEuripides Systems
- dgryskiVancouver, Canada
- djcas9Kaba Labs, Inc
- dochangTianjin, China
- domashevskyi
- floschSchlachter Informatik GmbH
- GideonRed-zz
- hgfischer
- iangelov
- jackspirouFingerprintJS
- jhvst@Ponkila
- kenkeiterPortland, OR
- kisomUnited States
- lanastasovZaUtre
- m25n@SumoLogic
- marceloboeira$[ @SeatGeek |=> @aws, @airbnb, @hey-car, @movinga, @globocom ]
- mkevacPerplexity AI
- mtchavez
- nabekenHENNGE K.K.
- penguxMictis
- phusluSingapore
- SchumacherFMMagazine zum Globus AG
- scottm
- songgao@zoom @keybase
- tecbotFastic, BRNC
- tg
- tmc@brevdev
- wolfeidauStax
- x-kej