
the driver of hk_camera

Primary LanguageC


ROS wrapper for the hk camera made by Hikrobot.

Install dependencies


  • ROS Noetic
  • libMvCameraControl.so download MVS_STD_GML_V2.1.1_220511 from https://www.hikrobotics.com/cn/machinevision/service/download?module=0 and install, then extract MVS-2.1.1_x86_64_20220511.tar.gz and decompress it.
  • In the catalogue of which you decompressed, run sudo ./setup.sh.
  • Then run sudo cp /opt/MVS/lib/64/libMvCameraControl.so /usr/lib.


rosrun camera_calibration cameracalibrator.py --size 11x8 --square 0.020 image:=/hk_camera/image_raw camera:=/hk_camera
  • size:the size of the inner corners of the chessboard.

  • square:the length of each square (unit:m).

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