
Takes a jinja2 template and some json and sends an email

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0



Takes some json and a template and sends an email. Json can be provided as a filename or via stdin. Templates are rendered using Jinja2. If the template renders only whitespace, json2email does not send an email. This can be used to implement logic within the template itself.

json2email accepts an argument for an email address which it will try and inform if there are errors. Obviously this isn't possible for some classes of error.

This is still pretty untested so please raise an issue if you spot any bugs.


$ json2email -h
usage: json2email [-h] [--plain PLAIN] [--subject SUBJECT]
                     [--to TO [TO ...]] [--from SENDER] [--server SERVER]
                     [--error [ERROR [ERROR ...]]] [--noop] [--json JSON]

Takes a jinja2 template and some json and sends an email

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --plain PLAIN, -p PLAIN
                        Template with plain text template for email
  --subject SUBJECT, -s SUBJECT
                        Subject line for email
  --to TO [TO ...], -t TO [TO ...]
                        To: recipient of email
  --from SENDER, -f SENDER
                        From: sender of email
  --server SERVER       SMTP server
  --error [ERROR [ERROR ...]], -e [ERROR [ERROR ...]]
                        Email address to send errors to (if any)
  --noop, -n            Noop: if set, prints email to stdout instead of
  --json JSON, -j JSON  Json formated data file (use '-' for stdin)


Our team manages a pipeline to which users can add jobs. Some of these jobs need to be approved by an admin before they run. We output a json summary of the jobs which is shown below. We then use a template (also below) to render an email every day to remind us to approve the jobs.

Example command (with noop):

$ json2email --plain examples/pipeline_jobs.txt.jinja \
                --subject '[Pipeline-bot] Jobs needing approval' \
                --to an_email_address@sanger.ac.uk \
                --from no-reply@sanger.ac.uk \
                --server localhost \
                --error an_admin_address@sanger.ac.uk \
                --json examples/pipeline_jobs_data.json \

Example output:

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit
Subject: [Pipeline-bot] Jobs needing approval
From: no-reply@sanger.ac.uk
To: an_email_address@sanger.ac.uk

3 jobs require approval
/parent\_dir/annotation\_job\_tracker.conf has 1 jobs needing admin attention
/parent\_dir/assembly\_job\_tracker.conf has 2 jobs needing admin attention
Report last updated at 2015-03-24T15:26:17.246253

Example json:

  "created_at": "2015-03-24T15:26:17.246253",
  "jobs": [
      "approval_required": true,
      "config_file": "/parent_dir/assembly_jobs/job_1.conf",
      "job_type": "__Assembly__",
      "pipeline_tracker": "/parent_dir/assembly_job_tracker.conf"
      "approval_required": true,
      "config_file": "/parent_dir/assembly_jobs/job_2.conf",
      "job_type": "__Assembly__",
      "pipeline_tracker": "/parent_dir/assembly_job_tracker.conf"
      "approval_required": false,
      "config_file": "/parent_dir/assembly_jobs/job_3.conf",
      "job_type": "__Assembly__",
      "pipeline_tracker": "/parent_dir/assembly_job_tracker.conf"
      "approval_required": true,
      "config_file": "/parent_dir/annotation_jobs/job_1.conf",
      "job_type": "__Annotation__",
      "pipeline_tracker": "/parent_dir/annotation_job_tracker.conf"
      "approval_required": false,
      "config_file": "/parent_dir/mapping_jobs/job_1.conf",
      "job_type": "__Mapping__",
      "pipeline_tracker": "/parent_dir/mapping_job_tracker.conf"
      "approval_required": false,
      "config_file": "/parent_dir/mapping_jobs/job_2.conf",
      "job_type": "__Mapping__",
      "pipeline_tracker": "/parent_dir/mapping_job_tracker.conf"

Example template:

{% set jobs_requiring_approval = jobs | selectattr('approval_required') | list -%}
{%- if jobs_requiring_approval -%}
{{ jobs_requiring_approval | count }} jobs require approval
{%- for jobs_in_tracker in jobs_requiring_approval | groupby('pipeline_tracker') %}
{{ jobs_in_tracker.grouper }} has {{ jobs_in_tracker.list | count }} jobs needing admin attention
{%- endfor %}
Report last updated at {{ created_at }}
{%- endif -%}


  • jinja2
  • smtplib
  • email
  • re

For tests:

  • unittest
  • mock


Test are run using:


json2email has been tested on Ubuntu 12.04 with python 2.7.3