
Scripts and data files used to generate the figures of the Crohn's single-cell RNA-seq paper "Single-cell analysis of Crohn’s disease lesions identifies a pathogenic cellular module associated with resistance to anti-TNF therapy"

Primary LanguageR

Making the figures


Tested on macOS

  1. R
  2. R packages:
    • viridis
    • RColorBrewer
    • gplots
    • Matrix
    • Matrix.utils
    • seriation
    • scDissector
  3. Downloaded and unzipped version of this repository on a local path.

Running the scripts in R

  1. Assuming martin_et_al_cell_2019 is the local path of the repository we need to load the script files:


  1. And then make figures 1-5 and supplumentary figures:

make_martin_et_al_figures("martin_et_al_cell_2019/",download_data = F)


Figure will be generated in:

  • martin_et_al_cell_2019/output/main_figures/
  • martin_et_al_cell_2019/output/supp_figures/

Tables will be generated in:

  • martin_et_al_cell_2019/output/tables/



Tested on linux LSF HPC. Due to lack of support of some of the depdendencies, the script cannot run on macOS.

  1. R
  2. R packages:
  3. Downloaded and unzipped version of this repository on a local path.

Running the scripts in R

Assuming martin_et_al_cell_2019 is the local path of the repository, the following script will run the clustering distributedly on LSF:


Alternatively, clustering can be run locally:


Note: Each run of the clustering might produce slightly different results due to different random seeds.