
I have updated the mathplot component for wxWidgets 3.2.1. I have made some improvements like :

  • corrected some bugs (and probably add others lol )
  • rewrote some methods
  • added a config window (that you can have access with the right click)
  • add "view as bar" for XY functions
  • view fullscreen if plot is in a single frame
  • add in the demo the samples of the original project
  • lot of things ...
    I keep the philosophy and the structure so it was easy to update existing project (I hope !).


Enjoy Lionel

Change by Asmwarrior

If you are using Code::Blocks with MSYS2's prebuilt wxWidgets 3.2 library. You can directly open the the file MathPlotConfig/MathPlotConfig.cbp and build it. Note that you need wx-config-msys2.exe somewhere in your PATH, which is used to generate the correct compiler and linker options for the wxWidgets library from MSYS2. More details can be found eranif/wx-config-msys2: wx-config tool for MSYS2 based installation of wxWidgets using the mingw64 repository, You can build this tool from the command line shell in MSYS2.