
This is the Diner Dash Challenge Repo

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Reinforcement Learning: DinerDash challenge


This workshop provides an interactive avenue for participants to learn about Reinforcement Learning (RL). Diner Dash is a game where a single waiter makes complex decisions on customer seating arrangements, taking orders, serving food and many others. In groups of 2 or 3, participants would test out RL baselines and compete with one another for the highest score in the Diner Dash simulator.

Official Schedule

4 August 2020, Tuesday (GMT +8)

Time Programme
9am Introduction to Reinforcement Learning
10am Diner Dash Introduction
10:30am Diner Dash Challenge Briefing
11am Start of Challenge
4pm Random seeds given for testing, Submission platform opens
9pm Cut off for submissions

6 August 2020, Thursday (GMT +8)

Time Programme
5pm Award Presentation

Introduction to Reinforcement Learning

Speaker: Akshay Narayan

This is an introductory talk on reinforcement learning (RL). In this talk, we will introduce the vocabulary of RL, cover the basics of sequential decision making and RL. We will touch upon value function based and policy search methods for solving RL problems. We will look at some applications and limitations of RL.

Diner Dash Introduction

Author of the Diner Dash Simulator: Siwei

Siwei will introduce the features and background of the DinerDash simulator as well as some of the challenges and difficuties one may face when training our agent.

Please refer to the diner dash repo for more information.

Diner Dash Challenge


  • Basic knowledge of Python
  • A stable internet connection
  • A Google account
  • A GitHub account
  • A zoom account


Using Reinforcement Learning(RL) algorithms and a maximum training timestep of 10 million, maximise the average rewards from 100 games/episodes of Diner Dash.

Challenge Platform

We will be using Google Colab for this challenge. The challenge template and further instructions are provided here. Please open the notebook in colab and create a copy in your Google Drive.

Random seeds

100 random seeds would be uploaded to this repo as per the official schedule. Each seed is used to initialise an environment/game where trained models decide on the action to take to maximises rewards. The list of actions taken is returned for submission.

Please see the "Testing of Policies and Verification of Submission" section in the template notebook for an example of how to use the random seeds.

A sample list of random seeds can also be found here.

Submission Format

Please choose both files before submitting:

  • Google Colab Notebook (.ipynb)
    • Filled with Team Name, Team ID, names of group members and algorithms used
    • Please ensure that the notebook is ran and displays training outputs
    • Action lists in notebook must match the submitted json file
  • Json file (.json)
    • With lists of actions in order of random seeds
      # [6, 45, 32, 53, 4] corresponds to the first seed
      # [27, 3, 12, 34, 1, 18]] corresponds to the second seed
      # The list of actions do NOT have to be the same length
              [[6, 45, 32, 53, 4],
              [27, 3, 12, 34, 1, 18]],

A sample submission can be found here.

Submission platform

Each participant should receive a link via email for submission and viewing of the leaderboard. Please keep this link private and do not share it with others. If you face any difficulty in using the link, please contact Lin Xu.

Alternatively, the leaderboard can be viewed at this link as well.

Submission rules

  • Each group can only submit a maximum of 5 submissions
  • Only the best performing submission per group would be kept and ranked in the leaderboard. However, please double check the average rewards before submitting to ensure that subsequent submissions perform better than the previous.

Submission dateline

Cut off time for submission is as per the official schedule

Question and Answer

We will be using this repo's issues for question and answer. Please discuss within your group first and if the query is still unresolved, check if a relevant issue has been raised. If none exist, please raise a new issue. Feel free to answer other participants' queries as well if you have faced similar issues and found a resolution.

Award Presentation

The top 3 ranking teams would present their approach and learning points. Certificates would also be awarded to them for their achievements.

Additional Resources


Tutorial Speaker

Diner Dash Simulator

  • Siwei

AI Singapore (Organisers)

  • Dr Winkler
  • Benjamin Chua
  • Lin Xu
  • Haixun
  • Sean

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