Pinned issues
- 2
testing -input command not found
#1030 opened by adrianatrevinoe - 4
Server Object host field compatibility with protocols
#1016 opened by smoya - 1
avro schema for key and value for confluent kafka schema registry
#1071 opened by leonardotorresaltez - 16
Proposal to add a 'version' value into the message object to support a more granular versioning
#1068 opened by IsmaelMartinez - 1
Render CSP compatible HTML
#1070 opened by mwiesenbauer - 11
- 5
- 13
- 4
Undefined behaviour of "messageId" for Message Traits and Messages defined in components.
#1014 opened by tomsfernandez - 2
Add minimal support for v3 code generation
#954 opened by fmvilas - 3
- 1
Consolidate the JSON and YAML examples in the specs into one codeblock to reduce the readers scroll effort
#1067 opened by nikhilkalburgi - 2
Channel parameter type
#1010 opened by Tenischev - 28
- 14
Extend Avro and OpenAPI schema versions
#1051 opened by Pakisan - 17
Add operationId for the reply
#981 opened by Tenischev - 5
Should the Reply Object extend from the Operation Object?
#1009 opened by smoya - 3
Multiple reply addresses
#1052 opened by mvuckovic - 2
Confusing Operation Object Example
#1007 opened by ctasada - 8
Provide definition for the reply
#980 opened by Tenischev - 13
Shouldn't we remove `messageId` in v3?
#978 opened by derberg - 5
Add definition for Operation to spec 3.0
#993 opened by buehlefs - 34
Add a script and CI job to validate spec examples
#957 opened by jonaslagoni - 2
Use asyncapi for sunc api with redis transport
#1065 opened by cheprasov-dev - 2
- 18
- 2
when to finish amqp serverBindings
#1040 opened by lovestaryouth - 5
Decide what to do with OAS schema properties
#1037 opened by Pakisan - 7
Allow plain `string` in Message Example Object field payload for non-json payloads (like xml, yaml)
#1038 opened by timonback - 4
trait vs. allOf ref vs. component ref - CloudEvents
#1057 opened by black-snow - 2
Can i document an endpoint for a cron job?
#1056 opened by angelaguirrejs - 2
Feedback on /docs/reference/specification/v2.0.0 - Tue, 29 Aug 2023 17:06:53 GMT
#975 opened by derberg - 4
Update to contribution guide - make converter and examples must have for release
#960 opened by derberg - 7
- 4
Avro specification inside AsycnApi file
#1015 opened by Lazzaretti - 1
AsyncAPI v3 retrospective
#1012 opened by jonaslagoni - 3
Add icon property to schema Info object
#945 opened by rv0 - 11
Invite Heiko Henning to join as code owner
#1008 opened by fmvilas - 5
Fix description of Operation Trait object
#994 opened by smoya - 3
Send/Receive again confusion
#1011 opened by skonik - 0
Release AsyncAPI 3.0.0
#953 opened by fmvilas - 5
- 6
Add logo of bronze sponsors to readme
#961 opened by derberg - 2
Fix some V3 examples
#985 opened by Amzani - 5
Renders empty HTML
#989 opened by henhal - 9
[v3] Support multi format schemas in message headers
#948 opened by smoya - 5
Pull-Requests KPIs
#976 opened by Amzani - 2
dotnet message validation
#973 opened by hfroliveira - 5
Tags reference to separate file not working
#963 opened by nilkanth987 - 3
Docs Tutorial with Killercoda Errors
#959 opened by thaxy