Welcome to the awesome curated list of dbt resources!
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- Get Started
- How To
- Integrations
- User Stories
- Data Quality
- Orchestration
- Utilities
- Packages
- Community
- Sample Projects
- Contributors
Courses from where you can get started with Analytics Engineering.
- Zero to Hero dbt - Complete course covering both theory & practice through real-world Airbnb use-case.
- Data Engineering Zoomcamp - Data engineering course on cutting edge tools including dbt.
- Analytics Engineering with dbt - Paid course offered by co:rise covering the basics of dbt.
- dbt Fundamentals - Official free course offered by dbt. Excellent for learning the basics of dbt Cloud.
- Refactoring SQL for Modularity - Another dbt labs offered free course on dbt refactoring and CTE supercharging.
- Learn DBT from Scratch - Guides you through a setup paired with Snowflake (decorated with extras).
Helping hand on setting up integrations and implementing best practices.
- Jinja cheatsheet - Jinja cheatsheet for dbt development.
- Test SQL Pipelines against Production Clones using DBT and Snowflake - Leverage Snowflake Zero-copy-clones to run slim ci checks.
- How we structure our dbt projects - How the dbt team structures its dbt projects.
- dbt guide - Primer on how you should properly set up and configure your dbt workflow.
- dbt for Data Transformation – Hands-on - Yet another tutorial for using dbt Cloud.
- Start Modeling Data - Configuring Bigquery with your dbt project.
- Accelerating Data Teams with dbt & Snowflake - A dbt & Snowflake workshop on financial data.
- Creating a dev environment quickly on Snowflake - Setting up teh integraton with Snowflake.
- How to set up a dbt data-ops workflow, using dbt cloud and Snowflake - Leverage GitHub Actions to set up CI/CD with dbt Core.
- How to configure your dbt repository - Mono-repo or not mono-repo?
- Best Practices for Optimizing Your dbt and Snowflake Deployment - Pocket guide on optimization best practices with Snowflake.
- How to Deploy dbt to Production using GitHub Actions
- Doing More With Less: Using DBT to load data from AWS S3 to Snowflake via External Tables - An alternative guide to set up your dbt-external-tables workflow.
- Best Practices for your dbt Style Guide - Standards for well organized base layer with Airbyte ingestion.
- Tips and Tricks about working with dbt - Tips from community members.
- Writing Unit Tests for dbt - An overview about the package dbt-unit-testing.
Collection of known data integrations with dbt
- Raycast - Raycast integration to monitor dbt Cloud Jobs.
- Metaplane - Data Observaibility layer on top of your dbt + BI project.
- Dbt + Machine Learning: What makes a great baton pass? - Landscape of ML utilities around dbt.
- Soda - Integration of Soda's data observability platform and dbt.
- Supported Adapters - Offically supported database adapters.
- Lightdash - Open source Looker alternative with deep dbt integration.
- Superset - Open source visualization layer for your Modern Data Stack.
- Dagster and dbt: Better Together - Getting started with the dagster-dbt library.
- fal - Add multi-language support (Python) to your dbt project.
- Privacy Dynamics - Anonymize data in your dbt project.
Use-cases and user stories implemented by the community members using components of the MDS with dbt.
- Leveraging DBT as a Data Modeling tool - Reflection on one-year usage of dbt.
- dbt + Materialize: Streaming to a dbt project near you - How to own your real-time transformation workflows like batch-based alternatives.
- Who's really using dbt? - Behind the community of analytics engineers.
- dbt and the Analytics Engineer — what's the hype about - Behind the upheaval of the analytics engineer profession.
- Analyzing Fishtown's dbt project performance with artifacts - Using project artifacts to identify anomalies and room for refactoring.
- Deploying and Running dbt on Azure Container Instances - Demonstration of integration with Azure.
- Beware of DBT Incremental Updates Against Snowflake External Tables - Things you should be aware of when using external tables with dbt.
- dbt development at Vimeo - Best practises from the Vimeo Data team.
Best-practices and extensions of the testing framework.
- Elementary - A dbt package that provides data anomaly detection as dbt tests.
- Environment-dependent Unit Testing in dbt - Guide on how to run unit tests in dbt dynamically.
- dbt-expectations - Port between dbt and great_expectations to extend out-of-the-box tests.
- re_data - A dbt package for montioring metrics and detect anomalies.
- How do you test your data - Suggestions on testing your data powered by the community.
- How to unit test sql transforms in dbt - Unit test using source defer and generic custom tests.
Make the best out of your product quality and seamless delivery.
- Slim CI/CD with Bitbucket Pipeliens - How to setup slim CI on Bitbucket.
- dbt-docs-to-notion - A GitHub action for exporting dbt model docs to a Notion database.
- Anatomy of A Pipeline: CI/CD For a dbt Data Warehouse on Google Big Query Using Azure Pipelines - Setting up CI/CD for a Big Query Stack using Azure Pipelines.
- Continuous Integration and Automated Build Testing with dbtCloud - Great and detailed blogpost on setting up Slim CI in dbt Cloud.
- How to review an analytics pull request - Checkpoints to consider when reviewing an analytics engineer PR.
- Performing a blue/green deploy of your dbt project on Snowflake - A very tidy and fail-safe way to run dbt in production by using two parallel production enviromnents.
- How we speed up our CI runs by 10x using Slim CI - Limit data in long-running CI checks to improve developing experience.
Resources to manage and maintain dependencies in modern data pipelines.
- Building a Scalable Analytics Architecture with Airflow and dbt - Leveraging the dbt manifest in Airflow.
- Auto-generating an Airflow DAG using the dbt manifest - Yet another article on extracting value from the manifest file.
- Building a robust data pipeline with the dAG stack: dbt, Airflow, Great Expectations - Demonstration of a data orchestration project with Airflow.
- Run dbt in Azure Data Factory - Primer about dbt on Azure Data Stack.
Useful tools and extensions to bump up your analytics engineer worklow.
- sqlfmt - This tool formats your dbt SQL code so you don't have to.
- SQLFluff - SQL linter that supports dbt and Jinja templating.
- Build Data Access Layer on dbt - Package to build GraphQL API on top of your dbt project.
- Run changed models based on Git status - Handy bash function to run changed models since last commit.
- How we set up our computers for working on dbt projects - Things I wish I would have known when started working with dbt. Tools and hacks to improve developing experience.
- fzf-dbt - Search dbt models interactively from terminal.
- vscode-dbt-power-user - VSCode extension to give more clarity on model dependencies.
- Your Essential dbt Project Checklist - Checklist on items necessary for a successful dbt project.
- dbt Style Guide - Developing styleguide often referred in PR templates.
- Clean your warehouse of old and deprecated models - Clean out warehouse models which are not existent in the project.
- dbt-tips - Excellent companion to your dbt practice with rich collection of tips.
- dbt-tags - Understanding the scopes of dbt tags.
- Pre-commit hooks - Pre-commit hooks for checking data integity before schema change commit.
Community-developed packages to extend default macros and toolset.
- dbt-privacy - Macros to make it easier to protect your customers' data.
- dbt-fivetran-utils - General macros and helpers.
- dbt_metrics - Macros to support secondary calculations and generate business metrics.
- dbt-metabase - Model synchronization from dbt to Metabase.
- dbt-coves - CLI tool for generating a scaffold for your dbt project.
- dbt-profiler - Data profiling and doc block generator.
- dbt_utils - General macros library. A must have.
- dbt_audit_helper - Macros for data audits that compare columns values and schemas between tables.
- dbt-ml-preprocessing - A SQL port of python's scikit-learn preprocessing module, provided as cross-database dbt macros.
- dbt-external-tables - Macros to stage your external sources.
- dbt-feature-store - Macros to build a feature store right within your dbt project.
- dbt-codegen - Macros that generate dbt code, and log it to the command line.
- dbt-init - Create a project and populate as much of the dbt project as possible.
- dbt-artifacts - This package builds a mart of tables from dbt artifacts loaded into a table.
- dbt-erdiagram-generator - This packages generate ERD diagrams from a dbt project.
- Terraform-dbt Cloud Module - IAC in dbt Cloud via Terraform.
- dbt2looker - Generate Looker views for dbt models.
- dbt-coverage - Checks dbt docs and tests coverage.
- dbt-meta-testing - Yet another coverage testing.
- dbt-superset-lineage - Push and pull metadata between dbt to Superset.
- dbtvault - Package for generating and executing ETL for Data Vault 2.0 on Snowflake.
- dbt-invoke - CLI for creating, updating, and deleting dbt property files.
- dbt-unit-testing - Package which contains macros to support unit testing.
Conferences, meetups, dicussions, newsletters, podcasts, etc. led by fellow analytics engineers and forums of contact.
- Discourse v2 - Revamped and ported hub of main discussions for the community.
- Coalesce 2021 - Second iteration of the analytics engineer conference.
- Coalesce 2020 - Annual dbt conference full of fascinating use-cases.
- dbt meetups - List of community led dbt meetups.
- Analytics Engineer Roundup - Official dbt Labs newsletter on topics of the MDS.
- Benn Stacil's Newsletter - Tought-provoking reads from founder of Mode.
- Data Engineering Weekly - Weekly newsletter of recent trends in Data Engineering.
- Data Engineering Podcast - One of the most popular data engineering podcasts covering great concepts and new products.
- Analyitics Engineer Podcast - Official podcast of dbt Labs.
- dbt Slack - Energy-filled hub of analytics engineers (Highly recommended).
- r/dataengineering - Subreddit of data engineering topics.
- Drill to Detail Podcast - Special guests discussing big data, business intelligence, modern data stack.
Sample projects which work out-of-the box. Reflect use-cases publicly available.
- Use dbt inside Visual Studio Code development containers - Set up your dbt environment with pre-installed extensions.
- dag-stack - Dbt-Airflow-GreatExpectations Stack.
- Jaffle Shop - A self-contained dbt project for testing purposes.
- Spotify User Analytics - Sample dbt project with Spotify user data.
- dbt-github-workflow - Deploy BigQuery + Airflow.
- airflow-dbt-demo - Demonstration of Airflow integration.
Thanks for all the great resources! Can't see your avatar? Check the contribution guide on how you can submit your resources to the community!