
Workspace for Audio Record with ROS2, PX4, and Vicon

Installation and Workspace Setup

Tested on Ubuntu 22.04 and ROS2 Humble.

Step 1: Update System Packages

Ensure all packages are up-to-date by running the following commands:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

Step 2: Install ROS2 Humble (If you haven't installed ROS2)

Follow the official ROS2 Humble installation guide for your operating system: ROS2 Humble Installation Guide

Step 3: Update rosdep

Initialize and update rosdep by running:

sudo rosdep init
rosdep update

Step 4: Clone the Repository

Clone the repository with submodules by running:

git clone https://github.com/atarbabgei/ros2_audio_px4_ws.git --recursive

Navigate to the directory:

cd ros2_audio_px4_ws

Update all dependencies:

rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y

Step 5: Build the Workspace

Build the workspace with colcon. Ignore any stderr warnings as long as it works for now. Note that we override the default ament_cmake for audio_common modules to work.

colcon build --allow-overriding ament_cmake ament_cmake_auto ament_cmake_core ament_cmake_gmock ament_cmake_gtest ament_cmake_pytest ament_cmake_test

Step 6: Source the Installation

After setting up the workspace, source the installation:

source install/setup.bash

Example Usage for Audio Common

Refer to the usage of ROS audio_common in the main repository: ROS Audio Common

For example, to capture audio and publish it to ROS2 topics, make sure to source your workspace installation:

source ~/ros2_audio_px4_ws/install/setup.bash 

Then launch the audio capture package:

ros2 launch audio_capture capture.launch.py format:=wave device:="hw:1,0" channels:=1 sample_rate:=48000

Change the device hw:1,0, sample rate, or other parameters depending on your microphone setting.

To verify the audio is working, open a new terminal:

source ~/ros2_audio_px4_ws/install/setup.bash

Check if the topics are available:

ros2 topic list

you should be able to see something like these:


If they are available, launch the audio player package:

ros2 launch audio_play play.launch.py format:=wave channels:=1 sample_rate:=48000

You should be able to listen the sound from the audio topics.