- 0
Haylou LS02 support?
#35 opened by Aggeloz - 0
- 0
SPI flash write and read
#33 opened by gmgrasso70 - 1
SG2 and G5 Nrf52840 based smartwatch demo files
#32 opened by curtpw - 0
P22 build and load
#31 opened by rosciio - 15
Script to build with arduino-cli on linux
#30 opened by elazarrosenthal - 0
I2C communication with HR sensor crashes
#29 opened by androidonis - 5
- 2
#27 opened by coelner - 1
accelerator doesn't work
#25 opened by ildar - 2
- 1
Touch response settings menu and confirmation buttons in P8b with magneticbase
#23 opened by ssavva05 - 2
Sc7a20 raise hand detection
#21 opened by icedman - 0
Missing documentation
#22 opened by M3sca - 0
D6Notification - HTTP/SETTINGS values (feature)
#20 opened by dapgo - 0
Notification - history - last x texts (new feature)
#19 opened by dapgo - 3
SC7A20 accelerometer
#18 opened by goddade - 5
Add software license
#10 opened by n0toose - 1
Minor typo
#9 opened by PuceBaboon - 14
- 2
Missing files
#8 opened by sgungnir - 1
Colliding name in the GIT
#7 opened by sgungnir - 2
- 3
Compiling issues
#3 opened by sgungnir - 13
- 23
Touch input is not working.
#1 opened by 592969