
Toolkit to study Cosmological Phase Transitions + Primordial Black Holes + Gravitational Waves

Primary LanguagePython


A lightweight python library to compute cosmological phase transition information, from bubble nucleations to their gravitational wave (GW) signatures and the production of primordial black holes (PBH).



  • M. Quiros, "Finite temperature field theory and phase transitions" [9901312]
  • Lu, Kawana, Xie, "Old Phase Remnants in First-Order Phase Transitions" [2202.03439]
  • Hooper, Krnjaic, McDermott, "Dark Radiation and Superheavy Dark Matter from Black Hole Domination" [1905.01301]

Package overview

Define your own potential function (with 1-loop improved corrections and thermal corrections) that inherits from the VFT class. The VFT class has a method get_Tc() to search for the critical phase transition temperature of your potential.

One can then pass this potential into BubbleNucleation class via

bn = BubbleNucleation(my_eff_potential)

which can then compute the nucleation temperature T* via the CosmoTransitions package.

Primordial black hole (PBH) mass spectrum and their Hawking radiation spectra can be generated via the PBH class.

Gravitational waves (GW) can be generated via the Gravitational Wave class.