- 4
Allow disabling NotificationIssue behavior that communicates with github and
#144 opened by Goodwine - 1
Option to disable sticky notifications
#200 opened by flagoworld - 1
- 2
[Feature Request] Add event 'click'
#101 opened by dmorawetz - 3
- 3
Uncaught NotSupportedError: Failed to execute 'registerElement' on 'Document': Registration faile...
#160 opened by annamgithub - 2
Display Issues in atom-nightly
#195 opened by akonwi - 2
- 0
System level notifications
#193 opened by saizai - 0
- 0
Add package name to notification
#191 opened by saizai - 1
- 0
- 2
Uncaught TypeError
#184 opened by twifty - 1
Increase Notification Duration
#186 opened by VickyAgravat - 2
Use DOMPurify to sanitized output from marked?
#185 opened by hansonw - 2
Uncaught Error: Pane has been destroyed
#174 opened by bfontana - 7
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '0' of null
#107 opened by rockofox - 23
- 5
Create issue on atom/atom -> 414 Request-URI Too Large
#129 opened by Macil - 5
Uncaught Error: Pane has been destroyed
#154 opened by sdimmick - 2
Uncaught Error: Pane has been destroyed
#155 opened by stephenmathieson - 1
Uncaught TypeError: repoUrl.replace is not a function
#112 opened by jerone - 11
Error: Please enter a valid URL to shorten
#132 opened by Ben3eeE - 0
Content Overlapping in First Notification when First One is Non-dismissible and There are Multiple Ones
#168 opened by liuderchi - 3
Key to press to close notification is missing
#166 opened by willnwhite - 2
- 1
Failed to activate the notifications package
#165 opened by tbsharkey - 1
- 4
- 1
Unable to detect existing issue.
#156 opened by ungb - 9
- 0
#153 opened by YonatanAhituv - 1
Uncaught TypeError: src.replace is not a functionPlease report this to
#151 opened by jhulten - 0
Manually installed core packages no longer show up
#147 opened by 50Wliu - 0
Uncaught Error: Pane has been destroyed
#146 opened by gregdoros - 2
Able to change the size of the notification alert
#109 opened by chrisduong - 1
Error encode charset
#131 opened by Myrai - 0
Include link to offending packages settings page
#134 opened by eboracus - 1
Uncaught TypeError: src.replace is not a function
#133 opened by anaibol - 10
Uncaught Error: Pane has been destroyed
#127 opened by ZachTRice - 2
- 2
Remove animation when closing
#123 opened by simurai - 3
Replace user profile
#120 opened by 50Wliu - 2
Enable .addError to handle Error-Objects
#122 opened by florianb - 3
Capturing errors always runs `apm ls --json --no-color` and renders atom unusable for an amount of time
#103 opened by despairblue - 0
Add a command that shows recent command history
#119 opened by 50Wliu - 3
Notifications should disable packages that throw "too many" unhandled exceptions
#116 opened by lee-dohm - 0
Blue notifications "close all" button does not work
#110 opened by mnquintana - 1
Make the plugin less annoying
#104 opened by janmarek