Basically, the XACTI gimbal camera is communicating via UVC protocol by just one single USB connection to computer then the video and gimbal could be controlled. For an expert developer with more experiences of UVC, you could check on the XACTI UVC command list then develop by your own.
The purpose of this project is to let the ROS developer easily connects their XACTI CX-GB400 camera with their robot system, and have a control via ROS topic.
Only CX-GB400 gimbal camera is not enough, you will need to have AX-DM100 which is the base mounting adapter to provide USB connection to the CX-GB400. So please make sure to have both.
Here are the things you will need to prepare,
- CX-GB400 gimbal camera from XACTI
- AX-DM100 base mounting plate from XACTI
- JST connector ZER-08V-S
- JST contactor SZE-002T-P0.3
- micro SD card
- USB-A to USB-C cable (make sure it has data line, not only for charging)
- some wires for power cable
- linux computer
The hardware diagram is shown as below and you can follow the following steps
- First you will need to plug the CX-GB400 to AX-DM100 by sliding in and lock.
- Then insert a micro SD card into CX-GB400.
- Make a power cable with JST connector and contactor, please check the pin assign from this document.
- Connect power cable to AX-DM100's JST port, and connect USB between computer and AX-DM100
- Mounting position is important, as in the picture is Upper Mount, so you will need to choose either of Lower or Upper mount
- install libuvc by following steps
## Install some dependencies
sudo apt-get install -y libusb-1.0-0-dev libturbojpeg-dev
## Install libuvc
cd /home/$USER
git clone
cd /home/$USER/libuvc
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
sudo make install
sudo ldconfig
## Setup udev rules
echo 'SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ENV{DEVTYPE}=="usb_device", GROUP="plugdev", MODE="0664"' | sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/10-libuvc.rules > /dev/null
sudo udevadm trigger
sudo usermod -a -G plugdev $USER
### better to re-plug all USB devices
- ROS2 Galactic
sudo apt install python3-colcon-common-extensions
sudo apt install ros-galactic-image-transport
- install v4l2loopback by following steps
## 1. Install v4l2loopback, choose either one of the following method
### method 1
sudo apt-get install -y v4l2loopback-utils
### method 2
cd /home/$USER/
git clone
cd /home/$USER/v4l2loopback
make && sudo make install
sudo depmod -a
## 2. Setup v4l2loopback to automaticall create /dev/video30 after boot
sudo echo "v4l2loopback" >> /etc/modules-load.d/v4l2loopback.conf
sudo echo "options v4l2loopback video_nr=30" >> /etc/modprobe.d/v4l2loopback.conf
sudo echo "options v4l2loopback exclusive_caps=1" >> /etc/modprobe.d/v4l2loopback.conf
sudo echo 'options v4l2loopback card_label="Fake Device"' >> /etc/modprobe.d/v4l2loopback.conf
sudo update-initramfs -u
### method 2 optional ####
# In case you will need to use virtual video more than 1, let say you will need /dev/video40 as well
# then we need to adjust the /etc/modules-load.d/v4l2loopback.conf as following
sudo echo "v4l2loopback" >> /etc/modules-load.d/v4l2loopback.conf
sudo echo "options v4l2loopback video_nr=30,40" >> /etc/modprobe.d/v4l2loopback.conf
sudo echo "options v4l2loopback exclusive_caps=1,1" >> /etc/modprobe.d/v4l2loopback.conf
sudo echo 'options v4l2loopback card_label="Fake Device,Fake WebRTC"' >> /etc/modprobe.d/v4l2loopback.conf
sudo update-initramfs -u
- install this package by following steps
## create workspace as dev_ws, if you don't have any workspace yet
## or you can choose any name you want
mkdir -p /home/$USER/dev_ws/src
cd /home/$USER/dev_ws/src/
git clone
source /opt/ros/galactic/setup.bash
cd /home/$USER/dev_ws
colcon build --symlink-install
source install/local_setup.bash
We can control and change some camera's variables by sending ROS topic command one-by-one. The XACTI camera has more command we could control, but for a simple and most usage application in robotics, the following commands have been chosen. For more detail of full command list, please check on the original XACTI UVC command list here.
Topic name | Msg type | Definition |
/xacti/camera/orientation | std_msgs/msg/Int8 | define the camera orientation, 0: lower side 1: uppser side 2: yaw is not activated (must be fixed mechanically) 3: auto judge |
/xacti/camera/shooting_mode | std_msgs/msg/Int8 | Camera shooting mode, 0 : Single (default) 1 : Burst 2 : AE Bracket 3 : Interval |
/xacti/camera/photo_capture | std_msgs/msg/Bool | Either True or False then take a single picture and save to SD card. You don't need to change shooting mode, the code will detect and change by itself. |
/xacti/camera/photo_capture_burst | std_msgs/msg/Bool | Either True or False then take 15 pictures and save to SD card. You don't need to change shooting mode, the code will detect and change by itself. |
/xacti/camera/photo_capture_interval | std_msgs/msg/Bool | Take photo within interval time True : start capture False : stop capture |
/xacti/camera/focus_mode | std_msgs/msg/Int8 | Change focus mode, 0: MF (default) 1: S-AF 2: C-AF |
/xacti/camera/focus_mm | std_msgs/msg/Int32 | Focus position in mm from 300 - 100000(default) |
/xacti/camera/video_record | std_msgs/msg/Bool | Start or stop recording video to SD card True: start recording False: stop recording |
/xacti/camera/video_resolution | std_msgs/msg/Int8 | Change the video resolution, 0: 4K (default) 1: 2.7K 2: Full HD 3: HD |
/xacti/camera/optical_zoom | std_msgs/msg/Int32 | Do optical zoom, data from 100 to 250 with incremented by 10 |
/xacti/camera/iso | std_msgs/msg/Int8 | Change ISO sensitivity 0 : auto 1 : 125 (default) 2 : 160 3 : 200 4 : 250 5 : 320 6 : 400 7 : 500 8 : 640 9 : 800 10 : 1000 11 : 1250 12 : 1600 13 : 2000 14 : 2500 15 : 3200 16 : 4000 17 : 5000 18 : 6400 |
/xacti/camera/aperture | std_msgs/msg/Int8 | Change aperture 0 : F2.8 (default) 1 : F3.2 2 : F3.5 3 : F4.0 4 : F4.5 5 : F5.0 6 : F5.6 7 : F6.3 8 : F7.1 9 : F8.0 10 : F9.0 11 : F10.0 12 : F11.0 |
/xacti/camera/exposure_mode | std_msgs/msg/Int8 | For camera we could select 0 : Manual 3 : Program (default) |
/xacti/camera/speed_shutter | std_msgs/msg/Int8 | Adjust the speed shutter, this work only in Manual mode 0 : 1/8000 1 : 1/6400 2 : 1/5000 3 : 1/4000 4 : 1/3200 5 : 1/2500 6 : 1/2000 7 : 1/1600 8 : 1/1250 9 : 1/1000 10 : 1/800 11 : 1/640 12 : 1/500 13 : 1/400 14 : 1/320 15 : 1/250 16 : 1/200 17 : 1/160 18 : 1/125 19 : 1/100 (default) 20 : 1/80 21 : 1/60 22 : 1/50 23 : 1/40 24 : 1/30 25 : 1/25 26 : 1/20 27 : 1/15 28 : 1/13 29 : 1/10 30 : 1/8 31 : 1/6 32 : 1/5 33 : 1/4 34 : 1/3 35 : 1/2.5 36 : 1/2 37 : 1/1.6 38 : 1/1.3 39 : 1" 40 : 1.3" 41 : 1.6" 42 : 2" 43 : 2.5" 44 : 3.2" 45 : 4" 46 : 5" 47 : 6" 48 : 8" |
/xacti/camera/exposure | std_msgs/msg/Int8 | Adjust exposure compensation this will work on Program mode, and for Manual in case of Auto ISO. 0 : -2.0 1 : -1.7 2 : -1.3 3 : -1.0 4 : -0.7 5 : -0.3 6 : 0.0 (default) 7 : +0.3 8 : +0.7 9 : +1.0 10 : +1.3 11 : +1.7 12 : +2.0 |
/xacti/camera/image_format | std_msgs/msg/Int8 | Select the output image format 0 : JPEG (default) 1 : DNG 2 : JPEG+DNG |
/xacti/gimbal/restart | std_msgs/msg/Bool | Either True or False, then restart and do initialization on gimbal based on camera orientation setup |
/xacti/gimbal/pan | std_msgs/msg/Int16 | Control pan angle from -85 to 85 degrees |
/xacti/gimbal/tilt | std_msgs/msg/Int16 | Control tilt angle tilt (lower mount): -115 deg to 45 deg tilt (upper mount): -45 deg to 115 deg |
/xacti/camera/view | sensor_msgs/msg/Image | Image message to view camera streaming |
Before running ROS2 node on any terminal, you will need to source ROS2 environment. You can run the following command one-by-one or you can put in inside ~/.bashrc
export ROS_DOMAIN_ID=1
source /opt/ros/galactic/setup.bash
source ~/dev_ws/install/local_setup.bash
If you have installed v4l2loopback from Install, you will have /dev/video30
virtual video device once booted. This video device will be getting a stream from camera, because when we're using libuvc, the original video device of CX-GB400 cannot be recognized anymore, so this package takes the video stream from libuvc and put it on new virtual device as /dev/video30
for other purpose like web streaming, and image processing by OpenCV later.
If you don't want an auto create of /dev/video30
, you can run it each time after booted by this command
sudo modprobe v4l2loopback video_nr=30 exclusive_caps=1 card_label="Fake Device"
You could start the the camera_control
node by two ways,
- Using
ros2 run xacti_cam camera_control
- Using
ros2 launch xacti_cam
I recommend to use launch file, because it will auto restart in case of camera_control
crashed. There is a chance that the frame got frozen for some reason, so I quit the program and let it restart. If you have other mechanism to deal with this issue, you could try run it as camera_control
Before running the launch file, let have a look inside, there are two parameters of local_play
and video_out
on line 9-10. You can change the parameter from here.
# Terminal 1
ros2 launch xacti_cam
After the node started, we could see the message as below,
In case you forgot to run v4l2loopback to have /dev/video30
virtual device, you will get outout error as below, but the node could be still running,
If you would like to see the video on local screen (same computer's monitor of camera), you could set the ROS parameter as below,
ros2 param set /camera_control local_play True
OR close the local display as below,
ros2 param set /camera_control local_play False
You can use image topic of /xacti/camera/view
to see the stream by
ros2 run image_tools showimage --ros-args -r image:=/xacti/camera/view -p reliability:=best_effort
But I have an experience that it will work well only if all ROS computer is connected by LAN cable, if your laptop is connecting with ROS network by WiFi, the streaming is not arrived for some reason :( , I think it's about QoS problem or middleware thing.
If you run this on same machine of camera_control
node, there will be no problem, the streaming comes smoothly.
If you plan to do some image processing or with web streaming, please use the virtual video device /dev/video30
For the first time started, the gimbal hasn't enabled yet then you will need to send ROS topic command as below,
# Terminal 2
## depends on your mounting position, I am placing as upper mount
ros2 topic pub --once /xacti/camera/orientation std_msgs/msg/Int8 "data: 1"
## restart gimbal, you will gimbal is moving around to check position
ros2 topic pub --once /xacti/gimbal/restart std_msgs/msg/Bool "data: True"
After the gimbal has initialized, we can now control the camera and gimbal by sending ROS topic, for example
# Terminal 2
## take a picture and save to SD card
ros2 topic pub --once /xacti/camera/photo_capture std_msgs/msg/Bool "data: True"
## start recording video
ros2 topic pub --once /xacti/camera/video_record std_msgs/msg/Bool "data: True"
## stop recording video, and save to SD card
ros2 topic pub --once /xacti/camera/video_record std_msgs/msg/Bool "data: False"
## do max optical zooming
ros2 topic pub --once /xacti/camera/optical_zoom std_msgs/msg/Int32 "data: 250"
## do min optical zooming
ros2 topic pub --once /xacti/camera/optical_zoom std_msgs/msg/Int32 "data: 100"
## pan the gimbal to left 45 degree
ros2 topic pub --once /xacti/gimbal/pan std_msgs/msg/Int16 "data: 45"
## pan the gimbal to right 80 degree
ros2 topic pub --once /xacti/gimbal/pan std_msgs/msg/Int16 "data: -80"
## centering the gimbal pan
ros2 topic pub --once /xacti/gimbal/pan std_msgs/msg/Int16 "data: 0"
## tilt the gimbal to up 30 degree
ros2 topic pub --once /xacti/gimbal/tilt std_msgs/msg/Int16 "data: 30"
## tilt the gimbal to down 20 degree
ros2 topic pub --once /xacti/gimbal/tilt std_msgs/msg/Int16 "data: -20"
## centering the gimbal tilt
ros2 topic pub --once /xacti/gimbal/tilt std_msgs/msg/Int16 "data: 0"