
Extended Save node for ComfyUI

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Save Image Extended for ComfyUI

AVIF support!

  • Customize the folder, sub-folders, and filenames of your images!
  • Save data about the generated job (sampler, prompts, models) as entries in a json (text) file, in each folder.
  • Use the values of ANY node's widget, by simply adding its badge number in the form id.widget_name:
  • Oh btw... also saves your output as WebP or JPEG... And yes the prompt is included :) ComfyUI can load it but a PR approval is needed.

Happy saving!

Reboot by AudioscavengeR since 2024-05-05, original idea from @thedyze



There is a requirements.txt that will take care of that, but just in case:

  • python 10.6
  • piexif
  • pillow
  • pillow-avif-plugin
pip install piexif pillow pillow-avif-plugin


  1. Open a terminal inside the 'custom_nodes' folder located in your ComfyUI installation dir
  2. Use the git clone command to clone the save-image-extended-comfyui repo.
git clone https://github.com/audioscavenger/save-image-extended-comfyui

Parameters / Usage

Attribute Description
filename_prefix String prefix added to files.
filename_keys Comma separated string with sampler parameters to add to filename. E.g: sampler_name, scheduler, cfg, denoise Added to filename in written order. resolution also works. vae_name model_name (upscale model), ckpt_name (checkpoint) are others that should work. Here you can try any parameter name of any node. As long as the parameter has the same variable name defined in the prompt object they should work. The same applies to foldername_keys.
foldername_prefix String prefix added to folders.
foldername_keys Comma separated string with sampler parameters to add to foldername. Add more subfolders by prepending "./" to the key name.
delimiter now a free field Delimiter = 1 character, can be anything your file system supports. Windows users should still use "/" for subfolders.
save_job_data If enabled, saves information about each job as entries in a jobs.json text file, inside the generated folder. Mulitple options for saving prompt, basic data, sampler settings, loaded models.
job_data_per_image When enabled, saves individual job data files for each image.
job_custom_text Custom string to save along with the job data. Right click the node and convert to input to connect with another node.
save_metadata Saves metadata into the image.
counter_digits Number of digits used for the image counter. 3 = image_001.png. Will adjust the counter if files are deleted. Looks for the highest number in the folder, does not fill gaps.
counter_position Image counter first or last in the filename.
one_counter_per_folder Toggles the counter. Either one counter per folder, or resets when a parameter/prompt changes.
image_preview Turns the image preview on and off.
output_ext File extension: PNG by default, or WEBP (coming soon).

Unknown key names in filename_keys and foldername_keys are treated as custom strings.

Node inputs

  • images - The generated images.


  • positive_text_opt - Optional string input for when using custom nodes for positive prompt text.
  • negative_text_opt - Optional string input for when using custom nodes for negative prompt text.

Automatic folder names and date/time in names

Convert the 'prefix' parameters to inputs (right click in the node and select e.g 'convert foldername_prefix to input'. Then attach the 'Get Date Time String' custom node from JPS to these inputs. This way a new folder name can be automatically generated each time generate is pressed.

Disclaimer: Does not check for illegal characters entered in file or folder names. May not be compatible with every other custom node, depending on changes in the prompt object. Tested and working with default samplers, Efficiency nodes, UltimateSDUpscale, ComfyRoll, composer, NegiTools, and 45 other nodes.

Quality and compression settings:

  • AVIF quality is fixed at 50.
  • WebP quality is fixed at 75.
  • JPEG quality is fixed at 91.
  • PNG is maxed compressed (9)

About extensions WebP AVIF JPEG: ComfyUI cannot load it atm... Feel free to ask ComfyUI team to add support for AVIF/WebP/jpeg!

The prompt is included under the EXIF tag UserComment (IFD0 / 0x9286) as defined here. It is saved in this form: UserComment = {"prompt": {"1": {"inputs": {...}}}}.

You can retrieve the prompt manually with exiftool, here are some example commands:

  • exiftool -Parameters -Prompt -Workflow file.png
  • exiftool -Parameters -UserComment -Prompt -Workflow file.{jpg|webp|avif}

Incompatible with extended-saveimage-comfyui - This node can be safely discarded, as it only offers WebP output. My node already adds JPEG and WebP.

You asked for it... Now you can select which node to get the widget values from! Formerly, this custom node would simply return the last value found: useles if you have many Ksamplers... Make sure you enable the badge IDs to benefit from this:

jobs.json sample:

Happy saving!


I won't promise anything, just like @thedyze did not promise anything when they released this custom node. Then disappeared for good 3 months later. That's fine, I do that too.

However, I do provide a way to contact me, and will accept PR and collabs. Once I feel like I don't have time to work on it, I will gladly transfer ownership or let collabs maintain it.

  • offer quality setting in the node?
  • remove save_job_to_json? thisis pretty much useless actually, since it only saves the last value found for each node.
  • remove job_custom_text? what is this for?
  • remove jobs.json? jobs history, alright. What do you do with that? images contain the prompt, what is this for?
  • improve get_latest_counter: fails when user renames files: appends text after counter
  • offer to place the counter anywhere, as a key in filename_keys
  • files can get out of order if prefixes change... that is expected, but is this what we want? another reason to have the counter place anywhere we want

release 2.44

  • so many bugfixes
  • complete rework of generate_custom_name to handle ALL the possible scenarios
  • bugfix: when using /name in foldername_keys, Comfy thinks you want to save outside the output folder

release 2.43

  • support for AVIF
  • added requirements.txt

release 2.42

  • fixed counter for variable file extensions length

release 2.41

  • bugfix WebP encoding: Comfy could partially read the prompt, but the way they implemented it was buggy. PR fix submitted.
  • WebP is indeed loaded properly like a PNG, if you apply the patch above to pnginfo.js and app.js`

release 2.4

  • integrate webp
  • integrate jpg

release 2.3

  • for each keys, we return only the last value found in the prompt. Not the last Ksampler. Impossible to know which one is the last. Therefore, simply use this syntax: number.widget_name
  • filename_keys and foldername_keys become too large, switch to multiline
  • also removes subfolders from values found, when people use subfolders like SD15/pytorch_blah.pt etc
  • added what I was looking for the last 6 months in the first place: 123.attribute from nodes!
  • limit delimiter to 1 char, or file counter will get too complex

release 2.2

  • delimiter is now whatever you want, free field. Limited to 16 characters tho
  • all is instance methods, previously we had @staticmethods. Why? Don't know.
  • check get_latest_counter: does it still work with subfolders? yessir
  • bugfix: custom_name was not updated for int and floats

release 2.1

  • now accepts inexistant keys and use them as fixed strings
  • now accepts inexistant keys with / and use them as subfolders

release 2.0

  • Reboot on 2024-05-05