- 0
Nose slimming effect?
#185 opened by tjasmin111 - 1
Bug: Image tracking on mobile gives very bad results
#182 opened by peeter2 - 0
hide fps
#184 opened by alirezaseif28 - 0
High resolution error
#183 opened by Pryanishnik - 6
My tracker doesn’t work...i can see the default model but it won't match my face ,why?
#157 opened by iamhhc - 3
Hint: Inline Video Size is necessary
#145 opened by vin-ni - 2
jsfeat depedency
#127 opened by mrasoahaingo - 0
Issue in Android Mobile
#181 opened by anilgill123 - 2
- 2
- 1
Show a cap on head
#180 opened by harindercode - 1
Is it possible to detect only the smile?
#164 opened by JoanIzquierdo - 1
Detect eye blink
#175 opened by sliktrik - 5
jsfeat module is not defined
#172 opened by Omi0 - 0
How to stop the shaking on the mask
#177 opened by CamiloB - 7
emotionClassifier is not a constructor
#139 opened by Technopathic - 0
how improve the emotion detector
#174 opened by CamiloB - 0
Unable to stop the tracker once started
#173 opened by ashigupta007 - 2
#170 opened by NathanSepulveda - 7
Problems on webpack and Symfony installation
#171 opened by AlboCode - 9
Camera stream freezes once the clmtrackr detects a face (MacOs Mojave, Safari)
#163 opened by DavidEdi-6over6 - 0
#169 opened by annajonesdev - 1
- 2
detect_multi_scale TypeError
#168 opened by tetreault - 2
Not working with mobile browser
#146 opened by surbhi-techolution - 5
- 0
Alert Android9 Browser Face Deformer.
#166 opened by kuronyankotan - 1
Video gets laggy on Safari for iOS
#165 opened by romrz - 4
Camera doesn't open in safari.
#159 opened by veetechh - 1
Detect "face" in picture and crop it
#131 opened by Adrianod16 - 1
use this library for login face recognition
#156 opened by joesalloum - 0
What does getConvergence returns?
#160 opened by veetechh - 1
- 1
How can we get to know head rotation?
#158 opened by veetechh - 3
Cannot set property 'clm' of undefined
#124 opened by MrShakes - 0
Tell me basic facial positions
#155 opened by SatoshiKawabata - 1
Events from multiple trackers
#147 opened by austince - 4
clmtrk not working correctly when i give video and canvas size as variable.
#151 opened by nikhilapinninti - 0
Parameters correspondance
#150 opened by Jylomaki - 1
- 1
Is there a way to get the face rectangle?
#144 opened by seranus - 4
Bug with library included and builded project
#132 opened by antoninlanglade - 1
- 6
"Tracking in image" example fails in latest Chrome Version 64.0.3282.119
#143 opened by trytobesteady - 1
Custom mask with custom (adding) points-
#141 opened by dasiekjs - 6
Name the state when there is no face
#128 opened by HelloJsWorld - 1
Detecting neutral emotions
#129 opened by adamhipster - 1
Why does the example only have 4 emotions, while the emotionmodel.js has 6?
#130 opened by adamhipster - 2
Why this face can't be detected?
#123 opened by gonnavis - 1
Capture screenshot at specific moment
#126 opened by ovninosa