
Keep your ~/Desktop tidy!

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Deskclean Go

Keep your ~/Desktop tidy!

Deskclean moves files on your ~/Desktop to sub-directories based on their file extensions.


Grab a binary from the latest release


$ deskclean

Run deskclean -h for help:

Usage of ./deskclean:
  -path string
        path to clean (default "$HOME/Desktop")


Deskclean can be configured via ~/.config/deskclean/config.toml. By default, Deskclean uses the following config:

pattern = ".*\\.(rtf|rtfd|md|txt|docx?|rtf|html?|pdf|log)$"

pattern = ".*\\.(ab1|csv|sam|fasta|fastq|fa|fna|faa|gbk?|gbf|gff|numbers|aln|zip|tar.gz|xlsx?|sqlite|json?)$"

pattern = ".*\\.(rmd|go|sql|pl|py|sh|rb|js|ts|coffee|c|r|R|ipynb)$"

pattern = ".*\\.(svg|jpe?g|png|gif|gifv|bmp|mp4|mov|m4v|ai|webp)$"

In this example, files that end in .pdf will be moved to ~/Desktop/textfiles, etc...