
Vagrant launcher for Galaxy

Primary LanguageShell


Vagrant launcher for Galaxy (http://galaxyproject.org/)


Note - the easiest way to install Fabric is through pip (or easy_install):

 pip install fabric


 git clone https://github.com/Smithsonian/vagrant-galaxy.git
 cd vagrant-galaxy
 vagrant up

Point your browser at http://localhost:8080/ after starting up the galaxy server. You can do this via fabric (see below), for convenience, or you can do it manually like so:

 vagrant ssh
 cd /vagrant/galaxy-dist
 ./run.sh --daemon


Running Galaxy via fabric

To start the galaxy server, the included fabric file provides some convenience functions.

 fab vagrant galaxy:start

Likewise, there are options for stopping, restarting, and checking the status of the galaxy server.

 fab vagrant galaxy:stop
 fab vagrant galaxy:restart
 fab vagrant galaxy:status

You can find a full list of available fabric functions by typing the following:

 fab list

Running a local toolshed

Running a toolshed server inside the local VM is a convenient way to run deployment tests for your custom galaxy tools. You can develop your tool (including wrappers, tests, datatypes, dependencies, etc) on the galaxy instance, then upload the package to the toolshed and test installing it back on the galaxy instance.

The syntax is identical to starting the galaxy server:

 fab vagrant toolshed:start
 fab vagrant toolshed:stop
 fab vagrant toolshed:restart
 fab vagrant toolshed:status

Admin users

For both the galaxy and toolshed servers, the default admin user is vagrant@galaxy.local

Simply create a new user in each webapp with that e-mail address to access the admin menus (or add your own admin user to the config files).

Modifying galaxy's configuration files with fabric

This feature is still in development, but the basic usage is as follows:

 fab vagrant config:OPTION,VALUE

Future direction

  • Add other virtual providers: VMWare and AWS
  • Replace the shell provisioner with ansible or fabric