
@xviz/io missing dependencies on*

kuta42 opened this issue · 4 comments

@xviz/io imports from,, and, but these packages do not appear as dependencies in its package.json. And since the code references padTo4Bytes instead of padToNBytes, v3 of the packages can not be used.

Have you tried installing 2.3 instead of 3.0?

Haven't worked with xviz in a long while, but I would recommend staying on 2.3 until someone has the time to make an official update of xviz to 3.0 (I suspect that there may be other breaking changes beyond the padTo4Bytes issue, we did a lot of changes in 3.0).

I'll try to fix this ASAP. @ibgreen seems like must have broken semver in the 2.x branch

oh, maybe was alpha at the time this code was written.

Deps where updated, and the issue with padTo4Bytes has been resolved.