A collection of various utility codes coded myself(most) and collected by Googling
- cv_cam: OpenCV camera code C++
- CV_Cam.py: OpenCV camera code Python
- ros_picam.py: OpenCV camera code Python for ROS publish
- cv_cam_16bit.py: OpenCV camera code Python for 16bit(14bit) images e.g., thermal cameras
- cv_cam_ros: OpenCV camera code for ROS C++
- ros_img_callback_save.py: callback ROS image and save as .jpg
- cv_images_to_mp4.py: read images in folder and save as mp4, OpenCV Python
- mp4_to_ros.py: read mp4 using OpenCV and publish as ROS topic
- mp4tobag.py: read mp4 using OpenCV and save as ROS bag file
- compressed_to_raw.py: compressed image to raw image ROS(ROS basic package already exists but...)
- rgb2gray.py: rgb to gray image OpenCV and ROS publish
- rosbag_topic_name_changer.py: renaming code for topic in ROSbag file
- octomap_grapher: OctoMap subscribing and then calculating the volume mapped
- octopus: OctoMap build codes
- gazebo_to_path_and_path_frame.py: gazebo/model_states ground truth position to nav_msgs/path topic for visualizing and pose estimation performance
- rviz_path.py: subscribe gazebo/model_states ground truth position to publish it as nav_msgs/Path topic and also publising PX4-SITL drone pose, and Marker
- gt_vision_pose.py: gazebo/model_states ground truth to mavros/vision_pose/pose for PX4-SITL, instead of GPS
- dae_line_remover.py: line removing code for .dae extension file made by Google Sketchup to use it in Gazebo
- rgb2rgba_texture.py: rgb 3 channel image to rgba 4 channel image to use it as texture in Gazebo model
- marker_path_length.py: length of marker in ROS
- nav_path_length.py: length of nav_msgs/Path in ROS
- path_bag_to_txt.py: read ROS bag file with nav_msgs/Path and write .csv file for pose estimation performance comparison in EVO or rpg-evaluation
- tr_broadcaster.py: ros tf message broadcasting code in python
- tf_and_vision.zip: getting /tf message and sending it to /mavros/vision_pose/pose to fly without GPS
- ser_pub_odom_sub_cmd.py: USB to USB ubuntu serial communication to send odometry from ROSBOT and receive command
- ser_sub_odom_pub_cmd.py: USB to USB ubuntu serial communication to receive odometry from ROSBOT and send command to it
- ser_rec_test.py: USB to USB ubuntu serial communication test code, receving
- ser_trans_test.py: USB to USB ubuntu serial communication test code, transmitting
- filename_conver.py: file renaming code
- image_name_converting.py: image name converting
- control_jetbot_imu.py: jetbot control code using only IMU since it does not have encoders
- Runge_Kutta.m: runge-kutta method code for MATLAB