
30 Week Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp by Leon. Check out http://leonnoel/discord to participate

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LearnWithLeon #100Devs

30 Week Full Stack Web Development Bootcamp by Leon Noel.

Cohort 2 Structure | Syllabus | Materials

Class # Classwork Homework Readings Hosted Websites Progress Youtube Link
Class 01
Class 02 https://github.com/antariksh17/LearnWithLeon-100Devs/Class-02
Class 03
Class 04
Class 05
Class 06
Class 07 Do: http://flexboxfroggy.com/ Watch: Independence Day Place your 15 minutes of pain responsive in a https://codepen.io/ and submit the URLs here: https://forms.gle/AaoHzDEXm3Hjc7JL8 css-tricks.com/snippets/css/a-guide-to-flexbox
Class 08 Do: The 3 layouts we did in class Do: The Level Ground & Source Layouts in the homework-layout-photos Push?: Do Pushwork Homepage and add media queries to other layouts
Class 09
Class 10
Class 11 Want More Flexbox?: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/css-flexbox-tutorial-with-cheatsheet/ https://youtu.be/JJSoEo8JSnc https://mastery.games/flexboxzombies/
Class 12 Do: Plan out your networking! Do: Delete the JS and do it again for all assignments Do: Something special for yourself this weekend Cool breakdown of some low level code and how a Game Boy actually works: https://youtu.be/RZUDEaLa5Nw Someone really good at reverse engineering (Scanlime): https://www.youtube.com/c/scanlime/videos Book - Code: The Hidden Language of Computer Hardware and Software by Charles Petzold Read: https://javascript.info/variables + Tasks Read: https://javascript.info/function-basics + Tasks
Class 13 Play with any of the JS and make changes? Place your javascript changes in a https://codepen.io/ and submit the URLs here: https://forms.gle/G7LhHnyTA7zYq7UV6 Do: NETWORK! Do: Delete the JS and do it again for all assignments https://javascript.info/function-expressions + Tasks https://javascript.info/arrow-functions-basics + Tasks https://github.com/thejsway/thejsway/blob/master/manuscript/chapter04.md
Class 14
Class 15 Place your javascript.info tasks in a https://codepen.io/ or screenshot and submit the URLs here: https://forms.gle/i4skrmpk1HiXXg6ZA Do: Setup your portfolio Do: Draft your proposal / contract
Class 16 Play with any of the JS and make changes? Place your javascript changes in a https://codepen.io/ and submit the URLs here: https://forms.gle/q9qvPkrH5jKgEfxBA Do - https://www.codecademy.com/learn/introduction-to-javascript (1-6) Watch - https://youtu.be/SWYqp7iY_Tc Don't Do - Play yo self - start early even though you have more than a week because this is a lot and very important Read - https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/51642/invictus Read - https://github.com/bpesquet/thejsway (3, 2, 1... Code! through Write Functions) Read - http://eloquentjavascript.net/3rd_edition/ (Chapters 1 - 3) Extra Reading: https://jwiegley.github.io/git-from-the-bottom-up/
Class 17
Class 18 SUPER REVIEW!!!!
Class 19 Do: Minimum of 1 https://codewars.com/ 8 Kyu Fundamentals Track EVERY DAY - 20 mins then look at solution! Do: https://javascript30.com/ Day 04 Array Cardio (super hard, do it on Discord together) Place your drafts in a shared google doc and your JS tasks in a https://codepen.io/ and submit the URLs here: https://forms.gle/PLuuSi7aHeL7wbMQ9 Read: https://github.com/thejsway/thejsway/blob/master/manuscript/chapter07.md Read: https://javascript.info/array-methods Read: https://github.com/thejsway/thejsway/blob/master/manuscript/chapter06.md Read: https://eloquentjavascript.net/04_data.html
Class 20
Class 21 Do: https://javascript30.com/ Day 04 Array Cardio (PLEASE DO IT AGAIN) Read: https://javascript.info/array-methods Read: https://javascript.info/object
Class 22 Watch / Do: https://youtu.be/PFmuCDHHpwk Watch: https://youtu.be/0fKg7e37bQE​ Do: https://aka.ms/learnwithleon (Intro. To Github) Want to push?: Read and do the tasks: https://javascript.info/ Whole Chapter - Objects: the basics Read: Pillars of OOP - https://medium.com/@hamzzza.ahmed95/four-pillars-of-object-oriented-programming-oop-e8d7822aa219
Class 23
Class 24 Try getting Git Installed, here are some resources (we'll also go into more detail during our office hours):https://github.com/git-guides/install-git https://www.theodinproject.com/courses/foundations/lessons/setting-up-git (If on Windows, please use Git Bash and look into setting up WSL: https://ubuntu.com/wsl) Do: https://aka.ms/learnwithleon (Intro. To Github)
Class 25 Fix Your Resume to get Interviews
Class 26 Do: Play with the cocktailDB api! Make it do something else! Do: Find three APIs and build three simple apps using those APIs (Not all of these work, but it is a start: https://github.com/public-apis/public-apis) Do: Codewars Daily! Do: Anki Daily! Do: Make a rotating list of drinks (an automatic carousel) from the cocktailDB Do: Make the NASA API handle all the data types including video Do: Add an API to your portfolio website Do: A 7kyu Codewars
Class 27
Class 28 Submit Homework:API work: https://forms.gle/mSR6TGf7F6iN54Wy5 Do: Catch Up Do: Intro JS Course https://www.codecademy.com/learn/introduction-to-javascript (~30 Hours) Do: Professional Checklist https://docs.google.com/document/d/1L2vTX3qvLhoGHeG5cVD2ljCfRGr1uJ_Gf-hNZj9KzTg
Class 29 Review Basics of Javascript Want To Push (Due: Tues. May 3rd)? Read / Do: Eloquent JS Ch. 06 - https://eloquentjavascript.net/06_object.html
Class 30
Class 31 Watch / Do: https://youtu.be/PFmuCDHHpwk Read / Do: JS Way Ch. 09 - https://github.com/thejsway/thejsway/blob/master/manuscript/chapter09.md Do: 7 Codewars No Submission Today DO: Please review, play, and break the code we go over tonight. Get lost in it, come with questions, and ready to review on Thursday. DO: Get a paid client, Volunteer, or Contribute To Free Software DO: FINISH Professional Checklist - https://docs.google.com/document/d/1L2vTX3qvLhoGHeG5cVD2ljCfRGr1uJ_Gf-hNZj9KzTg Want To Push (Due: Thurs. May 5th)? Do: Codewars Array Ladder (search array problems) - 8kyu, 7kyu, 6kyu, 7kyu, 8kyu
Class 32 OOPS W/ JS Review
Class 33 Why aren't you getting interviews? Read / Do: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/JavaScript/Asynchronous/Async_await Watch / Do: https://youtu.be/vn3tm0quoqE TYPE OUT ALL THE EXAMPLES!!! Want to Push? Read / Do: https://javascript.info/async Do: Start prepping THE BANK Do: Complete Your Professional Links READ: Modern Javascript For Dinosaurs - https://medium.com/the-node-js-collection/modern-javascript-explained-for-dinosaurs-f695e9747b70 WATCH: Node.js Crash Course (just get through it) - https://youtu.be/fBNz5xF-Kx4 Want to Push ?Read / Do: https://javascript.info/async
Class 34 Crush Your Technical Interviews! Secrets To Landing Your First Tech Job
Class 35
Class 36 JS Event loop for beginners https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8aGhZQkoFbQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCOL7MC4Pl0 https://zellwk.com/blog/crud-express-mongodb/ (imp)
Class 37
Class 38
Class 39 https://github.com/antariksh17/100Devs-class-39-hw https://ant-skateboard-sceneries-frontend.netlify.app/ https://ant-skateboard-scenery.herokuapp.com/
Class 40
Class 41
Class 42
Class 43
CLass 44
Class 45
Class 46
Class 47
Class 48
Class 49
Class 50
Class 51
Class 52
Class 53
Class 54
Class 55
Class 56
Class 57
Class 58
Class 59
Class 60
Class 61
Class 62
Class 63
Class 64
Class 65
Class 66
Class 67
Class 68
Class 69
Class 70

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