
In this repo, we will add different codes and functionalities of Arduino.

Primary LanguageC

🎆Hacktoberfest 2021🎆


          In this repo we are going to add different codes and functionality of arduino.
          # Arduino-Codes-

In this repo we will add different codes and functionalities of Arduinos

🌱 Contributing to hacktoberfest 2021 ✨

What is hacktoberfest ?🎆🎇

A month-long celebration from October 1st - 31st sponsored by Digital Ocean and GitHub to get people involved in Open Source. Create your very first pull request to any public repository on GitHub and contribute to the open source developer community.


What can You contribute 🌻

  • Go through the demo file and take care of the comments that are mandatory to add
  • There are language Specific folders in the repository choose any you're comfortable with .
  • Inside the language folder there will be multiple topic folders like Data Structures, Algorithms, Problems.
  • Contribute any algorithm, data-structure implementation or your favourite problmes.
  • and try to write all possible ways from brute force to most optimised with their respected time complexities.

How to Contribute to this repository😵

  • Fork the repository (Click the Fork button in the top right of this page, click your Profile Image)
  • Clone the forked repository to your local machine.
git clone https://github.com/your-username/hacktoberfest.git
  • change the present working directory
cd hacktoberfest
  • Add/Create your project to the specific folder as described in what you can contribute section.
  • Make a new branch
git checkout -b branch-name
  • Make change in the repository with the new branch.
  • push the changes.
git add .
git commit -m "Your commit Message"
git push origin branch-name
  • Make a pull request.
  • Star the repository.


Star repo

  • Make sure you have added the necessary comments as wrritten in demo files.
  • Make Sure you commit your changes in a new branch.
  • Make Sure you Give proper name to your files describing the addition.
  • Also Make Sure you comment your code whereever necessary.
