Pinned issues
- 5
Localization not working
#3445 opened by jmarsh24 - 1
Access selected records from action fields method
#3446 opened by nrgbistro - 14
Dashboard Localization not working
#3436 opened by jmarsh24 - 1
- 4
Implement `multiple` option for select field.
#3426 opened by Paul-Bob - 1
Filters are not retained in the URL after deleting a record on the index page
#3432 opened by FLX-0x00 - 0
truncate title in grid view
#3433 opened by yshmarov - 1
Title and description for tabs
#3421 opened by Paul-Bob - 11
Integrating Rails 8 authentication with Avo
#3361 opened by matiaskorhonen - 0
- 1
make the the empty association results (has_many, habtm) use a lot less height when NO records found
#3435 opened by pjmuller - 0
Add a `repeater` field
#3431 opened by adrianthedev - 0
Add `has_many` create support
#3430 opened by adrianthedev - 0
Add `has_one` create/edit support
#3429 opened by adrianthedev - 7
Issues with has_many relation for STI model
#3406 opened by sandraa-nestor - 2
#3262 is recurring. When using tabs, the state of the previous screen is not retained when navigating back with the browser.
#3344 opened by yuki-yogi - 0
Avoid redirect on checkbox click
#3427 opened by thiagoyoussef - 2
style a resource row with css classes
#3417 opened by pjmuller - 0
Email view type
#3411 opened by adrianthedev - 6
- 1
Festivity mode
#3423 opened by Paul-Bob - 0
Namespace policy classes
#3424 opened by Paul-Bob - 4
Non-standard id via `primary_key` option on Belongs To field not respected
#3413 opened by therabidbanana - 0
Depfu Error: Depfu is stuck and needs your help
#3420 opened by depfu - 0
Bug report 🪲 On my license page in development, I receive a content_missing error.
#3416 opened by jmarsh24 - 1
`KeyValueField`s when not backed by a Model...
#3410 opened by ncsmith24 - 1
- 1
Polymorphic Record is not preselected in Edit view, when using STI and using Avo Advanced gem
#3351 opened by rctneil - 1
Save button icon (floppy disk) issue (on click, doesn't save the record in Safari browser)
#3389 opened by giedriusr - 0
Improve i18n-tasks to detect locales
#3403 opened by Paul-Bob - 1
TagField value is saved as a string instead of an array when used as an extra_param in a nested form
#3385 opened by BoberMod - 1
Resetting the Dynamic Filter reloads unrelated tables and resets their state
#3363 opened by yuki-yogi - 0
non standalone actions on custom controls
#3395 opened by pjmuller - 0
Expose the parent in dynamic filters options
#3391 opened by adrianthedev - 1
combobox multiselect
#3393 opened by pjmuller - 0
Add automatic field detection in resources
#3390 opened by adrianthedev - 0
Fix artifacts API by Dec 5th
#3388 opened by adrianthedev - 2
SideBar Menu doesn't scroll after upgrading to 3.14 on Safari browser
#3387 opened by AhmedAliIbrahim - 3
Backtrace in rails server logs
#3386 opened by pjmuller - 5
How do I redirect if record not found?
#3384 opened by pjmuller - 2
Refresh one table row
#3345 opened by adrianthedev - 0
GitHub-style Markdown editor
#3378 opened by adrianthedev - 9
Only reload one row in :index with append_to_response
#3342 opened by lizdeika - 1
- 2
Failed to clear Avo HQ response: Could not find table 'solid_cache_entries'
#3358 opened by adrienpoly - 0
- 0
Rescue PagyOverflow Error
#3352 opened by adrianthedev - 1
Scopes should reset pagination
#3353 opened by yuki-yogi - 1
Dependent Select going from 2 to 1 option
#3338 opened by rctneil - 1