A simple/sample AngularV4-based web app that demonstrates different API authentication options using Amazon Cognito and API Gateway with an AWS Lambda and Amazon DynamoDB backend that stores user details in a complete end to end Serverless fashion.
- amuiPortland, OR
- aws-joe
- barelabs
- benjipotterAdelaide
- borihan-p
- BrettlesPerth, Australia
- darrylsosborne
- dondaviHouston Texas
- hvital
- jerwallaceAmazon Web Services
- jhcloos
- jicowanAmazon Web Services
- jkahn117Chicago, IL USA
- jmetznerMunich/Germany
- joe-vellaLigonier, PA
- johnnybsd
- jpbarto
- krishnan-maniOxford, UK
- kszpirak
- lovelangyAustralia,Brisbane
- markbateBerlin, Germany
- mattmccleanAmazon Web Services
- mlabieniec@aws-amplify
- mteichtahlAWS
- nathanpeck@aws
- nehalmehta
- onlybakamAWS
- pstomenhoff
- ramvittal
- RGuilfoyleIreland
- shseniorAmazon Web Service
- stevemorad
- takayasuTokyo Japan
- toricctan
- undefobjAWS
- VinodhCKRSydney, Australia