Arduino BLE module identification and setup sketch. Supports HM-10, CC41 and similar generic BLE modules.
- aleksandra-majchrzak
- andiradulescuNeobility
- baadillahnabilLooking for remote jobs
- CarlosRA97Spain
- delletenebreBishkek, Kyrgyzstan
- DirtyEngineer
- EitolChile
- eyalsch
- georgieeSatellytes
- gmarzloffDenver, CO
- jackfruhUS
- joebowbeer
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- jstiefelNanoflex Robotics AG @NanoFlexRobotics
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- kelunikGermany
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- marcelfalliereToulouse
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- narnerSan Francisco
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- orbitinstasis
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- rdvilaBlumenau, Brazil.
- saitejamalyalaUnited Kingdom
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- Taadas
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- tommyjtlEarth
- zdila@maptiler